List of Common Names for Bonga

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Language Country Species Type
Bonga Portuguese Angola Ethmalosa fimbriata Vernacular
Bonga Spanish Eq Guinea Ethmalosa fimbriata Vernacular
Bonga Estonian Estonia Ethmalosa fimbriata Vernacular
Bonga Not specified Guinea Ethmalosa fimbriata Vernacular
Bonga Susu Guinea Ethmalosa fimbriata Vernacular
Bonga English Liberia Ethmalosa fimbriata Vernacular
Bonga English Nigeria Ethmalosa fimbriata Vernacular
Bonga Not specified Nigeria Ilisha africana Vernacular
Bonga Portuguese Guinea-Bissau Ethmalosa fimbriata Vernacular
Bonga Creole, Portuguese Sao Tome Princ. Boops boops Vernacular
Bonga Krio Sierra Leone Ethmalosa fimbriata Vernacular
Bonga Slovene Slovenia Ethmalosa fimbriata Vernacular
Bonga English UK Ethmalosa fimbriata Vernacular
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cfm script by eagbayani, 28.08.01, php script by cmilitante, 04/03/10, last modified by cmilitante, 11/12/12