Syngnathidae (Pipefishes and seahorses), subfamily: Syngnathinae |
20 cm SL (male/unsexed) |
reef-associated; brackish; marine; depth range - 100 m |
Indo-West Pacific: Gulf of Aden, off Sri Lanka, and from the Gulf of Thailand and Australia to Kyûshû Islands, Japan. |
Dorsal soft rays (total): 19-22; Anal soft rays: 4-4. Short-snouted species with large eyes (Ref. 48635).
Description: Characterized by mottled brown color, usually with greyish saddles across dorsum and whitish blotches on side; 10 caudal rays; ring 17 - 18 + 32 - 37; discontinuous superior trunk and tail ridges; inferior trunk ridge ending at anal ring; lateral trunk ridge confluent with inferior tail ridge; length of snout 2.0-2.6 in head length; depth of snout 3.3-5.3 in snout length; head length 7.7-10.9 in SL (Ref. 90102). |
Adults live in muddy habitats, often covered with silt and extremely well-camouflaged (Ref. 48635). Planktonic specimens taken in the upper 0 to 100 m over depths to at least 2980 m while the demersal fish have been taken in SCUBA and trawl collections from 9 to 91.4 m. Ovoviviparous (Ref. 205). Males exhibit parental care by incubating and guarding the eggs in their brood pouch (Ref. 43081). |
Least Concern (LC); Date assessed: 30 November 2015 Ref. (130435)
harmless |
Source and more info: For personal, classroom, and other internal use only. Not for publication.