Luciobarbus yahyaouii Doadrio, Casal-Lopez & Perea, 2016
Yahyaoui barbel

Family:  Cyprinidae (Minnows or carps), subfamily: Barbinae
Max. size:  18.27 cm SL (male/unsexed)
Environment:  benthopelagic; freshwater
Distribution:  Africa: Moulouya River in Morocco (Ref. 114135, 115559).
Diagnosis:  Dorsal spines (total): 0-0; Dorsal soft rays (total): 12-12; Anal spines: 0-0; Anal soft rays: 8-8; Vertebrae: 41-43. Diagnosis: This species differs from other species of Luciobarbus by the following combination of characters: 42-45 scales on the lateral line, 8-9 above lateral line and 5-6 below lateral line; insertion of the ventral fin is placed in the same edge of the dorsal fin origin; the last single fin ray is ossified in two/thirds of its length, deeply serrated with teeth in the middle part longer than the width of the ray; barbels long, the first barbel overpasses the preorbital distance while in other species it does not reach the preorbital distance, the second barbel usually has the same length than the postorbital distance while in other species it does not reach the postorbital distance; the ethmoid bone is wider than its length; the dorsal branch of the pharyngeal bone is long and forms an open angle with respect to the inferior branch; vertebrae 41-43; and gill rakers 14-17 (Ref. 114135). Description: The body is elongated in relation to maximum body depth with body depth 22-28% of standard length; the head is short with respect to the body with head length 22-24% of standard length; infraorbital bones are narrow (Ref. 114135). The first barbel reaches the rim of the ey and in several specimens it is extended to half the width of the eye; the second barbel usually extends beyond the posterior rim of the eye, usually reaching the preopercle; the anterior barbel is 22-48% and the second 36-62% of head length (Ref. 114135). the lips are thick and exhibit a well-developed medial lobe; the lacrymal bone has a medium-sized has a medium-sied manubrium; the snout is prominent, but less marked than in Luciobarbus maghrebensis and L. rifensis, with preorbital length 6-9% of standard length; the iris is yellowish pigmented at the superior border but less conspicuously than in L. ksibi (Ref. 114135). The profile of the dorsal fin is straight, with the last single ray ossified in two-thirds of its length and deeply serrated; dorsal fin with 4 unbranched rays and 8 branched rays; anal fin with 3 unbranched and 5 branched rays; pectoral fin with 1 unbranched and 15-16 branched rays; ventral fin with 1 unbranched and 8 branched rays; the pectoral and ventral fins are longer in males, and the anal fin is longer in females; ventral fins are inserted on the edge of the dorsal fin insertion; the caudal fin is 19.8-26.7% of standard length; caudal fin with 18 rays (Ref. 114135). Number of scales on the lateral line 42-45; 8-9 scales above lateral line; 5-6 scales below lateral line (Ref. 114135). The caudal peduncle is less deep than in other Luciobarbus species, with the exception of L. ksibi and the body least depth is 10-12.8% of standard length; the height of the caudal peduncle is 1.5-1.9 times the length of the anal peduncle (Ref. 114135). The skull is wide with a wide ethmoid bone; the pharyngeal bone has a long dorsal process; the lacrimal bone is well developed, and infraorbital bones are wide; the dentary and the maxilla have long anterior processes; the basioccipital plate is small and triangular; vertebrae 41-43 (Ref. 114135). Pharyngeal teeth in adults 4.3.2/4.3.2 (Ref. 114135). Number of gill rakers 14-17 (Ref. 114135). Colouration: The colouration is silver or silver-yellowish in fins; some specimens exhibit a mid-flank dark stripe; juveniles present blotches, as in the other Luciobarbus species (Ref. 114135).
Biology:  This species is ubiquist generally inhabiting rivers with sandy and gravel substrates and in downstream muddy substrates; it is also present in reservoirs (Ref. 114135). From April to May the species migrates upstream for spawning (Ref. 114135).
IUCN Red List Status: Least Concern (LC); Date assessed: 17 May 2021 Ref. (130435)
Threat to humans:  harmless

Source and more info: For personal, classroom, and other internal use only. Not for publication.