Salmonidae (Salmonids), subfamily: Salmoninae |
37.5 cm SL (male/unsexed); max. reported age: 16 years |
demersal; freshwater |
Europe: Bear Island (74°25'N, 19°00'E). |
Differs from the sympatric, non-anadromous Salvelinus salvelinus population by having the following unique characters: maximum size 17 cm SL; spawns for the first time at 11.0 cm SL (vs. 28 cm SL); and mature individuals with belly drab bronze greyish (vs. bright yellow to carmine). Can be further diagnosed by having 30-42 pyloric caeca (vs. 39-52); 22-26 gill rakers (vs. 24-27);and mature individuals often with parr marks (vs. absence) (Ref. 59043). |
A non-anadromous species which inhabits shallow lakes. Feeds on benthic invertebrates (Ref. 59043). |
Critically Endangered (CR); Date assessed: 01 November 2023 (Critically Endangered) Ref. (130435)
harmless |
Source and more info: For personal, classroom, and other internal use only. Not for publication.