Reproduction of Lampetra planeri
Document source:
Main Ref. Koli, L., 1990
Mode dioecism
Fertilization external
Mating type
Spawning frequency once in a lifetime
Spawning aggregation Ref.  
Batch spawner Yes.   Ref.  Koli, L., 1990
Reproductive guild guarders
Parental Care
Description of life cycle and mating behavior The female attaches with her oral disc to a rock at the upstream end of the nest. The male attaches to the back of her head using his oral disc and wraps his tail around her trunk region in such a way as to have each others urogenital papilla in close proximity and through muscular contraction of his body assists in the extrusion of the eggs. They vibrate vigorously for a few seconds. This results in the release of their gametes and disturbance of the substrate, which partially buries the fertilized eggs. They build small depressions in the gravel in the river bed in which they spawn. Adults die after spawning. Larvae hatch after 3-4 days.
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