Biblio Entry Summary for Lepadichthys trishula
Citation Fujiwara, K., K. Hagiwara and H. Motomura, 2020, Redescription of Lepadichthys coccinotaenia Regan 1921 and description of Lepadichthys trishula sp. nov. from southern Japan (Gobiesocidae: Diademichthyinae).. Ichthyol. Res. 67(3):422-438.
Ref. 129527 Fujiwara, K., K. Hagiwara and H. Motomura, 2020
Page 430;fig.2d-f,3c-d,f,4c-d,5b,
Named Used as Valid Lepadichthys trishula
Comment fig.6-12;tab.1-2;
Locality Japan, Kagoshima Pref., Amami Is., Amami-oshima I., Kasari Bay, KAUM–I. 79448.
Distribution Northwestern Pacific: Japan (coast of Kochi Pref. (Kashiwa-jima and Okino-shima is.), western coast of Kagoshima Pref. (Uji-jima I.), and Ryukyu Is. (Osumi Is., Tanega-shima I.),
Quote Amami Is. (Amami-oshima and Okinoerabu-jima Is.), Okinawa Is. (Okinawa-, Sesoko-, and Miyagi-jima islands), and Kerama Is.); Kii Peninsula. Wakayama Pref.
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