Biblio Entry Summary for Neoniphon sammara
Citation El-Mahdy, S.M., A.S. Mohammad, Y.A. Osman, E.M. Hassanien and S.F. Mehanna, 2023, Age, growth, mortality and exploitation level of the squirrelfish, Neoniphon sammara (Forsskal, 1775) from Hurghada, Red Sea, Egypt.. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries 27(5):51-63.
Ref. 130564 El-Mahdy, S.M., A.S. Mohammad, Y.A. Osman, E.M. Hassanien and S.F. Mehanna, 2023
Page 54-58
Named Used as Valid Neoniphon sammara
Distribution Hurghada, Red Sea, Egypt.
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