Collaborator Profile
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Naam Pablico, Grace Tolentino - Former FB staff Pablico, Grace Tolentino
Code Nr. 309
Instituut Sea Around Us Project Fisheries Centre University of British Columbia
Adres Main Mall, Vancouver V6T 1Z4
Land Canada
Opmerkingen Research Assistant, the Sea Around Us Project, Fisheries Centre, UBC, Vancouver, Canada. Former FishBase team member: Worked on PREDATORS, FOOD ITEMS, DIET COMPOSITION, and ECOLOGY tables and also on the International Seafood Guides tables. Worked on the INTERNATIONAL TREATIES AND CONVENTIONS tables and former Senior Research Assistant of the ACP-EU training project.
Sleutelwoorden Trophic ecology; Treaties and Conventions
sinds 1997
  Photos Contributed | FishWatcher photos contributed
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Opmerkingen en Verbeteringen
cfm script by eagbayani, 10.05.99, php script by rolavides, 2/4/2008 ,  laatst aangepast door sortiz, 06.27.17