Collaborator Profile
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Name Costa, Francesco Costa, Francesco
Code No. 820
Web page Francesco Costa
Address Via Olimpia Coop. ENES Pal. O, 98168 Messina, Sicily
Country Italy
Comments Provided information and photos of fishes of the Italian seas taken from his two books (in Italian), Atlante dei Pesci dei mari italiani (Atlas of the fishes of the Italian seas) and I Pesci del Mediterraneo, stadi larvali e giovanili (The fishes of the Mediterranean. larvae and young fishes). Prof. Costa is an External Collaborator of the University of Messina and the National Center for Research (C.N.R.). His latest book is the Enciclopedia illustrata degli invertebrati marini (Illustrated encyclopedia of marine invertebrates).
Keywords Biology; Pictures: Italy
Since 2001
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cfm script by eagbayani, 10.05.99, php script by rolavides, 2/4/2008 ,  last modified by sortiz, 06.27.17