References Used for Vanuatu (VUT)
n = 217
Ref. No. Description
26 Palko, B.J., G.L. Beardsley and W.J. Richards, 1982. Synopsis of the biological data on dolphin-fishes, Coryphaena hippurus Linnaeus and Coryphaena equiselis Linnaeus. FAO Fish. Synop. (130); NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS Circ. (443).
43 Nakamura, I., 1985. FAO species catalogue. Vol. 5. Billfishes of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of marlins, sailfishes, spearfishes and swordfishes known to date. FAO Fish. Synop. 125(5):65p. Rome: FAO.
55 Allen, G.R., 1985. FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 6. Snappers of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of lutjanid species known to date. FAO Fish. Synop. 125(6):208 p. Rome: FAO.
160 Brouard, F. and R. Grandperrin, 1984. Les poissons profonds de la pente récifale externe à Vanuatu. Notes Doc. Océanogr. Mission ORSTOM, Port-Villa 11:131 p.
167 Smith, M.M. and P.C. Heemstra (eds.), 1986. Smiths' sea fishes. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 1047 p.
168 Collette, B.B. and C.E. Nauen, 1983. FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 2. Scombrids of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of tunas, mackerels, bonitos and related species known to date. Rome: FAO. FAO Fish. Synop. 125(2):137 p.
188 Whitehead, P.J.P., 1985. FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 7. Clupeoid fishes of the world (suborder Clupeoidei). An annotated and illustrated catalogue of the herrings, sardines, pilchards, sprats, shads, anchovies and wolf-herrings. FAO Fish. Synop. 125(7/1):1-303. Rome: FAO.
189 Whitehead, P.J.P., G.J. Nelson and T. Wongratana, 1988. FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 7. Clupeoid fishes of the world (Suborder Clupeoidei). An annotated and illustrated catalogue of the herrings, sardines, pilchards, sprats, shads, anchovies and wolf-herrings. FAO Fish. Synop. 125(7/2):305-579. Rome: FAO.
244 Compagno, L.J.V., 1984. FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 4. Sharks of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of shark species known to date. Part 2 - Carcharhiniformes. FAO Fish. Synop. 125(4/2):251-655. Rome: FAO.
247 Compagno, L.J.V., 1984. FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 4. Sharks of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of shark species known to date. Part 1 - Hexanchiformes to Lamniformes. FAO Fish. Synop. 125(4/1):1-249. Rome, FAO.
402 Carpenter, K.E., 1988. FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 8. Fusilier fishes of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of caesionid species known to date. Rome: FAO. FAO Fish. Synop. 125(8):iv+75p.
403 Murdy, E.O., 1985. A review of the gobiid fish genera Exyrias and Macrodontogobius, with description of a new species of Exyrias. Indo-Pac. Fish. (10):14 p.
420 Murdy, E.O. and D.F. Hoese, 1985. Revision of the gobiid fish genus Istigobius. Indo-Pac. Fish. (4):41 p.
510 Allen, G.R. and A.R. Emery, 1985. A review of the Pomacentrid fishes of the genus Stegastes from the Indo-Pacific, with descriptions of two new species. Indo-Pac. Fish. (3):31.
526 Randall, J.E., E.A. Lachner and T.H. Fraser, 1985. Revision of the Indo-Pacific apogonid fish genus Pseudamia, with descriptions of three new species. Indo-Pac. Fish. 6:1-23.
528 Randall, J.E. and D.F. Hoese, 1985. Revision of the Indo-Pacific dartfishes, genus Ptereleotris (Perciformes: Gobioidei). Indo-Pac. Fish. (7):36 p.
529 Williams, J.T., 1988. Revision and phylogenetic relationships of the blenniid fish genus Cirripectes. Indo-Pac. Fish. (17):78 p.
609 Schultz, L.P., L.P. Woods and E.A. Lachner, 1966. Fishes of the Marshall and Marianas Islands. Vol. 3. Families Kraemeriidae through Antennariidae. Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus. 202:1-176.
1418 Palsson, W.A. and T.W. Pietsch, 1989. Revision of the Acanthopterygian fish Family Pegasidae (Order Gasterosteiformes). Indo-Pac. Fish. (18):38 p.
1419 Woodland, D.J., 1990. Revision of the fish family Siganidae with descriptions of two new species and comments on distribution and biology. Indo-Pac. Fish. (19):136 p.
1602 Myers, R.F., 1991. Micronesian reef fishes. Second Ed. Coral Graphics, Barrigada, Guam. 298 p.
1739 Welcomme, R.L., 1988. International introductions of inland aquatic species. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 294. 318 p.
1920 Randall, J.E., 1956. A revision of the surgeonfish genus Acanthurus. Pac. Sci. 10(2):159-235.
2116 Abe, T., 1974. Sphyraenidae. In W. Fischer and P.J.P. Whitehead (eds.) FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Eastern Indian Ocean (Fishing Area 57) and Western Central Pacific (Fishing Area 71). volume 4. [var. pag.] FAO, Rome.
2137 Randall, J.E., 1981. Revision of the labrid fish genus Labropsis with description of five new species. Micronesica 17(1-2):125-155.
2138 Randall, J.E., 1983. Revision of the Indo-Pacific labrid fish genus Wetmorella. Copeia 1983(4):875-883.
2141 Randall, J.E. and E.A. Lachner, 1986. The status of the Indo-West Pacific cardinalfishes Apogon aroubiensis and A. nigrofasciatus. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 99(1):110-120.
2295 Carpenter, K.E. and G.R. Allen, 1989. FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 9. Emperor fishes and large-eye breams of the world (family Lethrinidae). An annotated and illustrated catalogue of lethrinid species known to date. FAO Fish. Synop. 125(9):118 p. Rome: FAO.
2334 Randall, J.E., G.R. Allen and R.C. Steene, 1990. Fishes of the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii. 506 p.
2677 Randall, J.E., 1972. A revision of the labrid fish genus Anampses. Micronesica 8(1-2):151-190.
2689 Randall, J.E. and J.H. Choat, 1980. Two new parrotfishes of the genus Scarus from the Central and South Pacific, with further examples of sexual dichromatism. Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 70:383-419.
2746 Randall, H.A. and G.R. Allen, 1977. A revision of the damselfish genus Dascyllus (Pomacentridae) with description of a new species. Rec. Aust. Mus. 31(9):349-385.
2847 Allen, G.R., 1991. Field guide to the freshwater fishes of New Guinea. Publication, no. 9. 268 p. Christensen Research Institute, Madang, Papua New Guinea.
2909 Ivantsoff, W. and L.E.L.M. Crowley, 1991. Review of the Australian silverside fishes of the genus Atherinomorus (Atherinidae). Aust. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 42(5):479-505.
3079 Randall, J.E., D. Golani and A. Diamant, 1988. Sargocentron marisrubri, a new squirrelfish (Bericyformes: Holocentridae) from the Red Sea. Isr. J. Zool. 35:187-197.
3197 Smith-Vaniz, W.F., 1986. Carangidae. p. 638-661. In M.M. Smith and P.C. Heemstra (eds.) Smiths' sea fishes. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
3277 Berry, F.H. and W.F. Smith-Vaniz, 1978. Carangidae. In W. Fischer (ed.) FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. West Atlantic (Fishing Area 31). volume 1. FAO, Rome. [var. pag.].
3280 Chan, W., F. Talbot and P. Sukhavisidh, 1974. Carangidae. In W. Fischer and P.J.P. Whitehead (eds.) FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Eastern Indian Ocean (Fishing Area 57) and Western Central Pacific (Fishing Area 71). Volume 1. FAO, Rome.
3281 Sukhavisidh, P. and D. Eggleston, 1974. Centropomidae. In W. Fischer and P.J.P. Whitehead (eds) FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Eastern Indian Ocean (fishing area 57) and Western Central Pacific (fishing area 71). volume 1. [pag. var.]. FAO, Rome.
3287 Smith-Vaniz, W.F., 1984. Carangidae. In W. Fischer and G. Bianchi (eds.) FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Western Indian Ocean fishing area 51. Vol. 1. [pag. var.]. FAO, Rome.
3397 Bauchot, M.-L., 1987. Poissons osseux. p. 891-1421. In W. Fischer, M.L. Bauchot and M. Schneider (eds.) Fiches FAO d'identification pour les besoins de la pêche. (rev. 1). Méditerranée et mer Noire. Zone de pêche 37. Vol. II. Commission des Communautés Européennes and FAO, Rome.
3810 Russell, B.C., 1990. FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 12. Nemipterid fishes of the world. (Threadfin breams, whiptail breams, monocle breams, dwarf monocle breams, and coral breams). Family Nemipteridae. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of nemipterid species known to date. FAO Fish. Synop. 125(12):149p. Rome: FAO.
4233 Smith-Vaniz, W.F., 1986. Carangidae. p. 815-844. In P.J.P. Whitehead, M.-L. Bauchot, J.-C. Hureau, J. Nielsen and E. Tortonese (eds.) Fishes of the north-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean. UNESCO, Paris. vol. 2.
4690 Halstead, B.W., P.S. Auerbach and D.R. Campbell, 1990. A colour atlas of dangerous marine animals. Wolfe Medical Publications Ltd, W.S. Cowell Ltd, Ipswich, England. 192 p.
4787 Randall, J.E. and P.C. Heemstra, 1991. Revision of Indo-Pacific groupers (Perciformes: Serranidae: Epinephelinae), with descriptions of five new species. Indo-Pac. Fish. (20):332 p.
4859 Steene, R.C., 1978. Butterfly and angelfishes of the world. A.H. & A.W. Reed Pty Ltd., Australia. vol. 1. 144 p.
4966 Allen, G.R., 1975. Damselfishes of the South Seas. T.F.H. Publications, Inc., Neptune City, New Jersey. 240 p.
5123 Kawaguchi, K. and J.L. Butler, 1984. Fishes of the genus Nansenia (Microsomatidae) with descriptions of seven new species. Los Angeles County Mus. Contr. Sci. 352:1-22.
5170 Randall, J.E., 1985. On the validity of the tetraodontid fish Arothron manilensis (Procé). Jap. J. Ichthyol. 32(3):347-354.
5218 Murdy, E.O., 1989. A taxonomic revision and cladistic analysis of the oxudercine gobies (Gobiidae: Oxudercinae). Rec. Aust. Mus., Suppl. 11:1-93.
5222 Heemstra, P.C. and J.E. Randall, 1993. FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 16. Groupers of the world (family Serranidae, subfamily Epinephelinae). An annotated and illustrated catalogue of the grouper, rockcod, hind, coral grouper and lyretail species known to date. Rome: FAO. FAO Fish. Synop. 125(16):382 p.
5278 Randall, J.E., 1992. A review of the labrid fishes of the genus Cirrhilabrus from Japan, Taiwan and the Mariana Islands, with descriptions of two new species. Micronesica 25(1):99-121.
5296 Springer, V.G., 1988. The Indo-Pacific blenniid fish genus Ecsenius. Smithson. Contrib. Zool. (465):134 p.
5316 Dawson, C.E., 1985. Indo-Pacific pipefishes (Red Sea to the Americas). The Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Ocean Springs, Mississippi, USA.
5378 Randall, J.E. and P. Guéze, 1981. The holocentrid fishes of the genus Myripristis of the Red Sea, with clarification of the murdjan and hexagonus complexes. Centr. Sci. Los Angeles (334):1-16.
5439 Randall, J.E., 1986. 106 new records of fishes from the Marshall Islands. Bull. Mar. Sci. 38(1):170-252.
6180 Randall, J.E. and L. Taylor, 1988. Review of the Indo-Pacific fishes of the serranid genus Liopropoma, with descriptions of seven new species. Indo-Pac. Fish. (16):47 p.
6181 Nakamura, I. and N.V. Parin, 1993. FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 15. Snake mackerels and cutlassfishes of the world (families Gempylidae and Trichiuridae). An annotated and illustrated catalogue of the snake mackerels, snoeks, escolars, gemfishes, sackfishes, domine, oilfish, cutlassfishes,. scabbardfishes, hairtails, and frostfishes known to date. FAO Fish. Synop. 125(15):136 p.
6211 Hansen, P.E.H., 1986. Revision of the tripterygiid fish genus Helcogramma, including descriptions of four new species. Bull. Mar. Sci. 38(2):313-354.
6773 Pietsch, T.W. and D.B. Grobecker, 1987. Frogfishes of the world. Systematics, zoogeography, and behavioral ecology. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California. 420 p.
7050 Kottelat, M., A.J. Whitten, S.N. Kartikasari and S. Wirjoatmodjo, 1993. Freshwater fishes of Western Indonesia and Sulawesi. Periplus Editions, Hong Kong. 221 p.
7242 Coates, D., 1990. Aspects of the biology of the perchlet Ambassis interrupta Bleeker (Pisces: Ambassidae) in the Sepik River, Papua New Guinea. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 41(2):267-274.
7247 Allen, G.R., 1991. Damselfishes of the world. Mergus Publishers, Melle, Germany. 271 p.
7401 Smith-Vaniz, W.F., 1987. The saber-toothed blennies, tribe Nemophini (Pisces: Bleniidae): an update. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 139:1-52.
8525 Gon, O., 1993. Revision of the cardinalfish genus Cheilodipterus (Perciformes: Apogonidae), with description of five new species. Indo-Pac. Fish. (22):59 p.
8527 Hoese, D.F. and H.K. Larson, 1994. Revision of the Indo-Pacific gobiid fish genus Valenciennea, with descriptions of seven new species. Indo-Pac. Fish. (23):71 p.
8944 Randall, J.E., 1980. Revision of the fish genus Plectranthias (Serranidae: Anthiinae) with description of 13 new species. Micronesia 16(1):101-187.
9018 Winterbottom, R. and M. Burridge, 1993. Revision of the species of Priolepis possessing a reduced transverse pattern of cheek papillae and no predorsal scales (Teleostei; Gobiidae). Can. J. Zool. 71:494-514.
9710 Lieske, E. and R. Myers, 1994. Collins Pocket Guide. Coral reef fishes. Indo-Pacific & Caribbean including the Red Sea. Haper Collins Publishers, 400 p.
9770 Matsuura, K., 2001. Balistidae. Triggerfishes. p. 3911-3928. In K.E. Carpenter and V. Niem (eds.) FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of the Western Central Pacific. Vol. 6. Bony fishes part 4 (Labridae to Latimeriidae), estuarine crocodiles. FAO, Rome.
9790 Knapp, L.W., 1999. Platycephalidae. Flatheads. p. 2385-2421. In K.E. Carpenter and V.H. Niem (eds.) FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of the Western Central Pacific. Volume 4. Bony fishes part 2 (Mugilidae to Carangidae). FAO, Rome.
9812 Harrison, I.J. and H. Senou, 1997. Order Mugiliformes. Mugilidae. Mullets. p. 2069-2108. In K.E. Carpenter and V.H. Niem (eds.) FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of the Western Central Pacific. Volume 4. Bony fishes part 2 (Mugilidae to Carangidae). FAO, Rome.
9821 Anderson, W.D. Jr. and G.R. Allen, 2001. Lutjanidae. Jobfishes. p. 2840-2918. In K.E. Carpenter and V. Niem (eds.) FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of the Western Central Pacific. Vol. 5. Bony fishes part 3 (Menidae to Pomacentridae). FAO, Rome.
9835 Paxton, J.R. and P.A. Hulley, 1999. Myctophidae. Lanternfishes. p. 1957-1964. In K.E. Carpenter and V.H. Niem (eds.) FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of the WCP. Vol. 3. Batoid fishes, chimaeras and bony fishes part 1 (Elopidae to Linophrynidae). FAO, Rome.
9962 Springer, V.G. and J.T. Williams, 1994. The Indo-West Pacific blenniid fish genus Istiblennius reappraised: a revision of Istiblennius, Blenniella, and Paralticus, new genus. Smithson. Contrib. Zool. 565:1-193.
10753 Winterbottom, R. and M. Burridge, 1993. Revision of Indo-Pacific Priolepis species possessing a reduced transverse pattern of cheek papillae, and predorsal scales (Teleostei: Gobiidae). Can. J. Zool. 71:2056-2076.
10919 Kotlyar, A.N., 1993. A new species of the genus Polymixia (Polymixiidae, Beryciformes) from the Kyushu-Palau submarine ridge and notes on the other members of the genus. J. Ichthyol. 33(3):30-49.
10948 Collette, B.B., 1999. Rachycentridae. Cobia. p. 2655. In K.E. Carpenter and V.H. Niem (eds.) FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of the Western Central Pacific. Volume 4. Bony fishes part 2 (Mugilidae to Carangidae). FAO, Rome.
12419 Randall, J.E. and D.W. Greenfield, 1996. Revision of the Indo-Pacific holocentrid fishes of the genus Myripristis, with descriptions of three new species. Indo-Pac. Fish. (25):61 p.
12751 Marquet, G., 1996. The freshwater eels (Anguillidae) of New Caledonia: taxonomy and distribution. Vie Milieu 46(1):65-71.
12963 Briggs, J.C., 1962. A new clingfish of the genus Lepadichthys from the New Hebrides. Copeia 1962(2):424-425.
13227 Fricke, R., 1994. Tripterygiid fishes of Australia, New Zealand and the southwest Pacific Ocean (Teleostei). Theses Zool. 24:1-585.
13300 David, G., 1985. Pêche de subsistance et milieu naturel: les mangroves de Vanuatu et leur intérêt halieutique. Notes et documents d'océanographie. Mission ORSTOM de Port-Vila, 13:67 p. multigr.
26040 Watson, R.E., 1996. A review of Stiphodon from New Guinea and adjacent regions, with descriptions of five new species (Teleostei: Gobiidae: Sicydiinae). Rev. Fr. Aquariol. 23(3-4):113-132.
26668 Watson, R.E., 1992. A review of the gobiid fish genus Awaous from insular streams of the Pacific Plate. Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwat. 3(2):161-176.
27020 Randall, J.E. and C.C. Baldwin, 1997. Revision of the serranid fishes of the subtribe Pseudogrammina, with descriptions of five new species. Indo-Pac. Fish. (26):56 p.
27223 Fricke, R., 1997. Tripterygiid fishes of the western and central Pacific, with descriptions of 15 new species, including an annotated checklist of world Tripterygiidae (Teleostei). Theses Zool. 29:1-607.
27313 Parin, N.V., 1996. On the species composition of flying fishes (Exocoetidae) in the West-Central part of tropical Pacific. J. Ichthyol. 36(5):357-364.
27370 Randall, J.E., 1998. Revision of the Indo-Pacific squirrelfishes (Beryciformes: Holocentridae: Holocentrinae) of the genus Sargocentron, with descriptions of four new species. Indo-Pac. Fish. (27):105 p.
27772 Mooi, R.D., 1995. Revision, phylogeny, and discussion of biology and biogeography of the fish genus Plesiops (Perciformes: Plesiopsidae). Life Sci. Contrib. No. 159, 108 p.
31367 Compagno, L.J.V. and V.H. Niem, 1998. Squalidae. Dogfish sharks. p. 1213-1232. In K.E. Carpenter and V.H. Niem (eds.) FAO Identification Guide for Fishery Purposes. The Living Marine Resources of the Western Central Pacific. FAO, Rome.
33021 Eschmeyer, W.N. (ed.), 1999. Catalog of fishes. Updated database version of November 1999. Catalog databases as made available to FishBase in November 1999.
33390 Fricke, R., 1999. Fishes of the Mascarene Islands (Réunion, Mauritius, Rodriguez): an annotated checklist, with descriptions of new species. Koeltz Scientific Books, Koenigstein, Theses Zoologicae, Vol. 31:759 p.
33408 Castle, P.H.J. and J.E. Randall, 1999. Revision of Indo-Pacific garden eels (Congridae: Heterocongrinae), with descriptions of five new species. Indo-Pac. Fish. (30):52 p.
33410 Randall, J.E., 1999. Revision of the Indo-Pacific labrid fishes of the genus Pseudocheilinus, with descriptions of three new species. Indo-Pac. Fish. (28):34 p.
33411 Randall, J.E., 1999. Revision of the Indo-Pacific labrid fishes of the genus Coris, with descriptions of five new species. Indo-Pac. Fish. (29):74 p.
34024 Nielsen, J.G., D.M. Cohen, D.F. Markle and C.R. Robins, 1999. Ophidiiform fishes of the world (Order Ophidiiformes). An annotated and illustrated catalogue of pearlfishes, cusk-eels, brotulas and other ophidiiform fishes known to date. FAO Fish. Synop. 125(18):178p. Rome: FAO.
34242 Karmovskaya, E.S., 1999. Nettenchelys paxtoni sp. nova (Nettastomidae, Anguilliformes): a new species from the southwestern Pacific Ocean (Vanuatu). J. Ichthyol. 39(9):795-798.
35849 Kimura, S., T. Yamashita and Y. Iwatsuki, 2000. A new species, Gazza rhombea, from the Indo-West Pacific, with a redescription of G. achlamys Jordan & Starks, 1917 (Perciformes: Leiognathidae). Ichthyol. Res. 47(1):1-12.
37578 Watson, R.E., G. Marquet and C. Pöllabauer, 2000. New Caledonia fish species of the genus Sicyopterus (Teleostei: Gobioidei: Sicydiinae). aqua, J. Ichthyol. Aquat. Biol. 4(1):5-34.
37748 Gill, A.C., 1999. Pseudochromidae. Dottybacks (eelblennies). p. 2557-2577. In Carpenter, K. E. and V. E. Niem. 1999. Species identification guide for fisheries purposes. The living marine resources of the western central Pacific. Bony fishes part 2 (Mugilidae to Carangidae). FAO, Rome. : iii-v; 2069-2790.
37816 Myers, R.F., 1999. Micronesian reef fishes: a comprehensive guide to the coral reef fishes of Micronesia, 3rd revised and expanded edition. Coral Graphics, Barrigada, Guam. 330 p.
38002 Keith, P., R.E. Watson and G. Marquet, 2000. Découverte d'Awaous ocellaris (Gobiidae) en Nouvelle-Calédonie et au Vanuatu. Cybium 24(4):395-400.
40889 Randall, J.E. and T.H. Fraser, 1999. Clarification of the western Pacific cardinalfish species Apogon trimaculatus and A. rhodopterus, with description of a similar new species. Raffles Bull. Zool. 47(2):617-633.
40894 Springer, V.G. and R.A. Fricke, 2000. Description of two new blenniid fish species: Entomacrodus lemuria from the western Indian Ocean and E. williamsi from the western Pacific Ocean. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 113(2):386-396.
41640 Randall, J.E. and H.A. Randall, 2001. Review of the fishes of the genus Kuhlia (Perciformes: Kuhliidae) of the Central Pacific. Pac. Sci. 55(3):227-256.
41653 Randall, J.E. and D.W. Greenfield, 2001. A preliminary review of the Indo-Pacific gobiid fishes of the genus Gnatholepis. Ichthyological Bulletin of the J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, 69:1-17.
42056 Randall, J.E and K.D. Clements, 2001. Second revision of the surgeonfish genus Ctenochaetus (Perciformes: Acanthuridae), with descriptions of two new species. Indo-Pac. Fish. (32):33 p.
46206 Eschmeyer, W.N. (ed.), 2003. Catalog of fishes. Updated database version of March 2003. Catalog databases as made available to FishBase in March 2003.
46904 Tettelbach, S., J. Carroll and H. Reisman, 2003. Fishes of Vanuatu. Report of the Tropical Marine Biology group, Southampton College of Long Island University, Southampton, New York.
47053 Lourie, S.A. and J.E. Randall, 2003. A new pygmy seahorse, Hippocampus denise (Teleostei: Syngnathidae), from the Indo-Pacific. Zool. Studies 42(2):284-291.
47442 Watson, R.E., P. Keith and G. Marquet, 2002. Lentipes kaaea, a new species of freshwater goby (Teleostei: Gobioidei: Sicydiinae) from New Caledonia. Bull. Fr. Pêche Piscic. 364:173-185.
48635 Kuiter, R.H. and T. Tonozuka, 2001. Pictorial guide to Indonesian reef fishes. Part 1. Eels- Snappers, Muraenidae - Lutjanidae. Zoonetics, Australia. 1-302.
48636 Kuiter, R.H. and T. Tonozuka, 2001. Pictorial guide to Indonesian reef fishes. Part 2. Fusiliers - Dragonets, Caesionidae - Callionymidae. Zoonetics, Australia. 304-622 p.
50540 Gill, A.C. and A.J. Edwards, 2003. Pseudoplesiops wassi, a new species of dottyback fish (Teleostei: Pseudochromidae: Pseudopleiopinae) from the West Pacific. Zootaxa 291:1-7.
50559 Allen, G.R., 2004. Pomacentrus aurifrons, a new species of damselfish (Pomacentridae) from Melanesia. Zootaxa 399:1-7.
52308 Williams, J.T. and J.C. Howe, 2003. Seven new species of the triplefin fish genus Helcogramma (Tripterygiidae) from the Indo-Pacific. aqua, J. Ichthyol. Aquat. Biol. 7(4):151-176.
52347 Keith, P., G. Marquet and R.E. Watson, 2004. Schismatogobius vanuatuensis, a new species of freshwater goby from Vanuatu, South Pacific. Cybium 28(3):237-241.
53466 Amaoka, K. and B. Séret, 2005. Engyprosopon vanuatuensis, a new species of bothid flounder (Pleuronectiformes: Bothidae) from off Vanuatu, South West Pacific. Ichthyol. Res. 52(1):15-19.
53576 Keith, P., R.E. Watson and G. Marquet, 2004. Sicyopterus aiensis, a new species of freshwater goby (Gobioidei) from Vanuatu, South Pacific. Cybium 28(2):111-118.
54391 Gon, O. and J.E. Randall, 2003. Revision of the Indo-Pacific cardinalfish genus Archamia (Perciformes: Apogonidae), with description of a new species. Indo-Pac. Fish. (35):49 p.
54804 Karmovskaya, E.S., 2004. Benthopelagic bathyal conger eels of families Congridae and Nettastomatidae from the Western Tropical Pacific, with descriptions of ten new species. J. Ichthyol. 44(1):S1-S32.
54980 Randall, J.E., 2005. Reef and shore fishes of the South Pacific. New Caledonia to Tahiti and the Pitcairn Islands. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii. 720 p.
55345 Winterbottom, R., 2005. Two new species of the Trimma tevegae species group from the Western Pacific (Percomorpha: Gobiidae). aqua, J. Ichthyol. Aquat. Biol. 10(1):29-38.
57343 Motomura, H., 2004. Threadfins of the world (Family Polynemidae). An annotated and illustrated catalogue of polynemid species known to date. FAO Spec. Cat. Fish. Purp. Rome: FAO. 3:117 p.
57749 Keith, P., G. Marquet, P. Valade, P. Bosc and E. Vigneux, 2006. Atlas des poissons et des crustacés d'eau douce des Comores, Mascareignes et Seychelles. Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris. Patrimoines naturels, 65:250p.
57884 Schwarzhans, W., P.R. Møller and J.G. Nielsen, 2005. Review of the Dinematichthyini (Teleostei, Bythitidae) of the Indo-West-Pacific. Part I. Diancistrus and two new genera with 26 new species. The Beagle, Records of the Museum and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory 21:73-163.
58268 Greenfield, D.W., R.C. Langston and J.E. Randall, 2005. Two new cardinalfishes of the Indo-Pacific fish genus Zoramia (Apogonidae). Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 56(33):625-637.
59379 Pyle, R., J.L. Earle and B.D. Greene, 2008. Five new species of the damselfish genus Chromis (Perciformes: Labroidei: Pomacentridae) from deep coral reefs in the tropical western Pacific. Zootaxa 1671:3-31.
72456 Keith, P., G. Marquet and R.E. Watson, 2007. Stiphodon kalfatak, a new species of freshwater goby from Vanuatu (Gobioidei: Sicydiinae). Cybium 31(1):33-37.
74933 Fraser, T.H., 2008. Cardinalfishes of the genus Nectamia (Apogonidae, Perciformes) from the Indo-Pacific region with descriptions of four new species. Zootaxa 1691:1-52.
75154 Hoese, D.F., D.J. Bray, J.R. Paxton and G.R. Allen, 2006. Fishes. In Beasley, O.L. and A. Wells (eds.) Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Volume 35 Australia: ABRS & CSIRO Publishing, 2178 p.
75667 Sazonov, Y.I., Y.N. Shcherbachev and T. Iwamoto, 2003. The grenadier genus Mataeocephalus Berg, 1898 (Teleostei, Gadiformes, Macrouridae), with descriptions of two new species. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., v. 54 (no. 17):279-301.
75882 Watson, R.E., P. Keith and G. Marquet, 2007. Akihito vanuatu, a new genus and new species of freshwater goby (Sicydiinae) from the South Pacific. Cybium 31(3):341-349.
75992 Fricke, R., 2002. Annotated checklist of the dragonet families Callionymidae and Draconettidae (Teleostei: Callionymidae), with comments on callionymid fish classification. Stuttgarter Beitr. Naturkd., Ser. A Nr. 645:1-103.
76835 Bath, H., 2004. Revision of the genus Rhabdoblennius Whitley (Pisces: Blenniidae: Salariinae), with descriptions of two new species. Stuttg. Beitr. Naturkd. (A Biol.) 669:1-28.
76869 Schwarzhans, W. and P.R. Møller, 2007. Review of the Dinematichthyini (Teleostei: Bythitidae) of the Indo-west Pacific. Part III. Beaglichthys, Brosmolus, Monothrix and eight new genera with description of 20 new species. The Beagle, Records of the Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory 23:29-110.
76879 Séret, B. and P.R. Last, 2008. Galeus priapus sp. nov., a new species of sawtail catsharks (Carcharhiniformes: Scyliorhinidae) from New Caledonia. Zootaxa 1813:19-28.
78069 Schultz, J. and J.E. Randall, 2006. Ostorhinchus leslie, a new coral-reef cardinalfish from American Samoa. aqua, J. Ichthyol. Aquat. Biol. 12(1):1-10.
79875 Loh, K.-H., Chen, I.-S., J.E. Randall and H.-M. Chen, 2008. A review and molecular phylogeny of the moray eel subfamily uropterygiinae (Anguilliformes: Muraenidae) from Taiwan, with descriptiuon of a new species. The Raffles Bull. Zool. 19:135-150.
79877 Chiang, M.-C. and I.-S. Chen, 2008. Taxonomic review and molecular phylogeny of the triplefin genus Enneapterygius (Teleostei: tripterygiidae) from Taiwan, with descriptions of two new species. The Raffles Bull. Zool. 19:183-201.
80682 Karmovskaya, E.S., 2009. New records of congrid eels of the genus Bathycongrus (Congridae) in the West Central Tropical part of the Pacific Ocean, with a description of three new species. J. Ichthyol. 49(2):139-153.
81230 Møller, P.R. and W. Schwarzhans, 2008. Review of the Dinematichthyini (Teleostei, Bythitidae) of the Indo-west Pacific, Part IV. Dinematichthys and two new genera with descriptions of nine new species. The Beagle 24:87-146.
81517 Smith-Vaniz, W.F., 2009. Three new species of Indo-Pacific jawfishes (Opistognathus: Opistognathidae), with the posterior end of the upper jaw produced as a thin flexible lamina. aqua, Int. J. Ichthyol. 15(2):69-108.
82682 Keith, P., G. Marquet and M. Pouilly, 2009. Stiphodon mele n. sp., a new species of freshwater goby from Vanuatu and New Caledonia (Teleostei, Gobiidae, Sicydiinae), and comments about amphidromy and regional dispersion. Zoosystema 31:471-483.
83327 Iwamoto, T., K.-T. Shao and H.-C. Ho, 2011. Elevation of Spicomacrurus (Gadiformes: Macrouridae) to generic status, with descriptions of two new species from the Southwestern Pacific. Bull. Mar. Sci. 87(3):513-530.
83997 Poss, S.G., J.E. McCosker and C.C. Baldwin, 2010. A new species of Scorpaenodes (Pisces: Scorpaenidae) from the Galápagos and Cocos Islands with discussions of the limits of Scorpaenodes and Thysanichthys. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 61(2):235-264.
84006 Ho, H.-C. and K.-T. Shao, 2010. A review of Malthopsis jordani Gilbert, 1905, with description of a new batfish from the Indo-Pacific Ocean (Lophiiformes: Ogcocephalidae). Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. A, (Suppl. 4):9-19.
84011 Ho, H.-C. and K.-T. Shao, 2008. The batfishes (Lophiiformes Ogcocephalidae) of Taiwan, with descriptions of eight new records. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 35:289-313.
84291 White, W.T., P.R. Last, G.J.P. Naylor, K. Jensen and J.N. Caira, 2010. Clarification of Aetobatus ocellatus (Kuhl, 1823) as a valid species, and a comparison with Aetobatus narinari (Euphrasen, 1790) (Rajiformes: Myliobatidae). pp. 141-164. In P.R. Last, W.T. White and J.J. Pogonoski (eds). Descriptions of new sharks and rays from Borneo. CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Paper no. 32.
84366 McCosker, J.E., 2010. Deepwater Indo-Pacific species of the snake-eel genus Ophichthus (Anguilliformes: Ophichthidae), with the description of nine new species. Zootaxa 2505:1-39.
85524 Keith, P., C. Lord and L. Taillebois, 2010. Sicyopus (Smilosicyopus) pentecost, a new species of freshwater goby from Vanuatu and New Caledonia (Gobioidei: Sicydiinae). Cybium 34(3):303-310.
86820 Hoese, D.F., R. Winterbottom and S. Reader, 2011. Trimma maiandros, a new species of pygmy goby (Gobiidae) from the Indo-west Pacific. aqua, Int. J. Ichthyol. 17(2):103-110.
86966 Motomura, H., P. Béarez and R. Causse, 2011. Review of Indo-Pacific specimens of the subfamily Scorpaeninae (Scorpaenidae), deposited in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, with description of a new species of Neomerinthe. Cybium 35(1):55-73.
87781 Keith, P., G. Marquet, C. Lord, D. Kalfatak and E. Vigneux, 2011. Poissons et crustacés d'eau douce du Vanuatu. Société Française d'Ichtyologie, Paris, France, Ed.
88079 Parenti, P. and J.E. Randall, 2011. Checklist of the species of the families Labridae and Scaridae: an update. Smithian Bull. 13:29-44.
90035 Gon, O. and G.R. Allen, 2012. Revision of the Indo-Pacific cardinalfish genus Siphamia (Perciformes: Apogonidae). Zootaxa 3294:1-84.
90102 Allen, G.R. and M.V. Erdmann, 2012. Reef fishes of the East Indies. Perth, Australia: Universitiy of Hawai'i Press, Volumes I-III. Tropical Reef Research.
91035 Séret, B. and P.R. Last, 2012. New deep water skates of the genus Notoraja Ishiyama, 1958 (Rajoidei, Arhynchobatidae) from the southwest Pacific. Zoosystema, 34 (2):319-341.
92171 Larson, H.K. and D.J. Buckle, 2012. A revision of the goby genus Gnatholepis Bleeker (Teleostei, Gobiidae, Gobionellinae), with description of a new species. Zootaxa 3529:1-69.
92845 Motomura, H., R. Causse and C.D. Struthers, 2012. Phenacoscorpius longilineatus, a new species of deepwater scorpionfish from the Southwestern Pacific Ocean and the first records of Phenacoscorpius adenensis from the Pacific Ocean (Teleostei: Scorpaenidae). Species Diversity 17:151-160.
93228 Kawai, T., 2013. Revision of the peristediid genus Satyrichthys (Actinopterygii: Teleostei) with the description of a new species, S. milleri sp. nov. Zootaxa 3635(4):419-438.
93585 Uiblein, F. and R. Causse, 2013. A new deep-water goatfish of the genus Upeneus (Mullidae) from Vanuatu, South Pacific. Zootaxa 3666(3):337-344.
94268 Fraser, T.H., 2013. Family status of Amioides and the senior synonym of Coranthus (Percomorpha: Apogonidae). Copeia 2013(1):23-30.
95675 Koeda, K., T. Yoshino, H. Imai and K. Tachinara, 2014. A review of the genus Pempheris (Perciformes, Pempheridae) of the Red Sea, with description of a new species. Zootaxa 3793(3):301-330.
96671 Winterbottom, R., M.V. Erdmann and N.K.D. Cahyani, 2014. Three new species of Trimma (Pisces; Gobioidei) from Indonesia. Zootaxa 3838(3):367-384.
98298 Schwarzhans, W., 2014. Head and otolith morphology of the genera Hymenocephalus, Hymenogadus and Spicomacrurus (Macrouridae), with the description of three new species. Zootaxa 3888(1):1-73.
98481 Uiblein, F. and D.C. Gledhill, 2015. A new goatfish of the genus Upeneus (Mullidae) from Australia and Vanuatu, with inter- and intraspecific comparisons. Mar. Biol. Res. 25(11):475-491.
100726 Winterbottom, R. and D.F. Hoese, 2015. A revision of the Australian species of Trimma (Actinopterygii, Gobiidae), with descriptions of six new species and redescriptions of twenty-three valid species. Zootaxa 3934(1):001-102.
101270 McCosker, J.E. and Y. Hibino, 2015. A review of the finless snake eels of the genus Apterichtus (Anguilliformes: Ophichthidae), with the description of five new species. Zootaxa 3941(1):49-78.
102105 Victor, B.C. and J.M.B. Edward, 2015. Pseudojuloides zeus, a new deep-water reef wrasse (Perciformes: Labridae) from Micronesia in the Western Pacific Ocean. J. Ocean Sci. Found. 15:41-52.
103842 Allen, G.R., M.V. Erdmann and M. Dailami, 2015. Cirrhilabrus marinda, a new species of wrasse (Pisces: Labridae) from eastern Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Vanuatu. J. Ocean Sci. Found. 15:1-1-15.
103843 Allen, G.R., M.V. Erdmann and E.M. Kurniasih, 2015. Chrysiptera caesifrons, a new species of damselfish (Pomacentridae) from the south-western Pacific Ocean. J. Ocean Sci. Found. 15:16-32.
105129 Nielsen, J.G., 2015. Revision of the aphyonid genus Aphyonus (Teleostei: Ophidiiformes) with a new genus and two new species. Zootaxa 4039(2):323-344.
105374 Gomon, M.F. and C.D. Struthers, 2015. Three new species of the Indo-Pacific fish genus Hime (Aulopidae, Aulopiformes), all resembling the types species H. japonica (Günther 1877). Zootaxa 4044(3):371-390.
105887 Okamoto, M., 2015. Epigonus draco, a new species of deepwater cardinalfish (Perciformes: Epigonidae) from the Western Pacific. Species Diversity 20:121-127.
106110 Hibino, Y. and S. Kimura, 2015. A new species of Muraenichthys (Anguilliformes: Ophichthidae) from the Indo-Pacific, with revised generic diagnosis. Zootaxa 4060(1):62-70.
106113 Ho, H.-C., D.G. Smith and K.-T. Shao, 2015. Notes on the congrid eel genus Parabathymyrus from the western Pacific Ocean, with the description of a new species (Pisces: Anguilliformes: Congridae). Zootaxa 4060(1):131-139.
106976 Motomura, H. and Y. Kanade, 2015. Review of the scorpionfish genus Pteroidichthys (Scorpaenidae), with descriptions of two new species. Zootaxa 4057(4):490-510.
110201 Uiblein, F., G. Gouws, D.C. Gledhill and K. Stone, 2016. Just off the beach: intrageneric distinctiveness of the bandtail goatfish Upeneus taeniopterus (Mullidae) based on a comprehensive alpha-taxonomy and barcoding approach. Mar. Biol. Res. 12(7):675-694.
110363 Last, P.R., W.T. White and G. Naylor, 2016. Three new stingrays (Myliobatiformes: Dasyatidae) from the Indo-West Pacific. Zootaxa 4147(4):377-402.
111072 Fricke, R., 2016. Synchiropus novaehiberniensis, a new species of dragonet from New Ireland, Papua New Guinea, western Pacific Ocean, with a review of subgenus Synchiropus (Neosynchiropus) and description of a new subgenus (Teleostei: Callionymidae). J. Nat. Hist.
113727 Greenfield, D.W. and R. Winterbottom, 2016. A key to the dwarfgoby species (Teleostei: Gobiidae: Eviota) described between 1871 and 2016. J. Ocean Sci. Found. 24:35-90.
114064 Dooley, J., B. Collette, K.A. Aiken, J. Marechal, F. Pina Amargos and S. Singh-Renton, 2015. Heteropriacanthus cruentatus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015: e.T16749737A16750097.
114522 Carpenter, K.E. and R. Robertson, 2015. Lobotes surinamensis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015: e.T198670A16644032. Downloaded on 17 February 2017.
114657 Choat, J.H., K.D. Clements, L.A. Rocha, B. Russell, R. Myers, M.E. Lazuardi, A. Muljadi, S. Pardede and P. Rahardjo, 2012. Leptoscarus vaigiensis . The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2012: e.T190756A17777316. Downloaded on 06 March 2017.
114831 Bell, L.A.J. and M.J. Amos, 1993. Republic of Vanuatu fisheries resources profiles. FFA report #93/49. Forum Fisheries Agency, Honiara, Solomon Islands. 137p.
114923 Greenfield, D.W., J.E. Randall and P.N. Psomadakis, 2017. A review of the soldierfish genus Ostichthys (Beryciformes: Holocentridae), with descriptions of two new species in Myanmar. J. Ocean Sci. Found. 26:1-33.
114927 Allen, G.R., M.V. Erdmann and P.D. Pertiwi, 2017. Descriptions of four new species of damselfishes (Pomacentridae) in the Pomacentrus philippinus complex from the tropical western Pacific Ocean. J. Ocean Sci. Found. 25:47-76.
114953 Last, P.R., W.T. White, M.R. de Carvalho, B. Séret, M.F.W. Stehmann and G.J.P. Naylor, 2016. Rays of the world. CSIRO Publishing, Comstock Publishing Associates. i-ix + 1-790.
115946 Choat, J.H., S. Pardede, K.D. Clements, L.A. Rocha, B. Russell, R. Myers, M.E. Lazuardi, A. Muljadi and P. Rahardjo, 2012. Cetoscarus ocellatus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2012:e.T190691A17792863. Downloaded on 03 August 2017.
116195 Walsh, F., Y.K. Tea and H. Tanaka, 2017. Cirrhilabrus efatensis, a new species of wrasse (Teleostei: Labridae) from Vanuatu, South Pacific Ocean. J. Ocean Sci. Found. 26:68-79.
116586 Schwarzhans, W.W. and A.M. Prokofiev, 2017. Reappraisal of Synagrops, Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae). Zootaxa 4260(1):1-74.
116591 Shen, K.-N., C.-W. Chang, E. Delrieu-Trottin and P. Borsa, 2016. Lemonpeel (Centropyge flavissima) and yellow (C. heraldi) pygmy angelfishes each consist of two geographically isolated sibling species. Mar. Biodiv. DOI 10.1007/s12526-016-0509-y
116610 Fricke, R., T. Kawai, T. Yato and H. Motomura, 2017. Peristedion longicornutum, a new species of armored gurnard from the western Pacific Ocean (Teleostei: Peristediidae). J. Ocean Sci. Found. 28:90-102.
116741 Last, P.R., White, W.T. and B. Séret, 2016. Taxonomic status of maskrays of the Neotrygon kuhlii species complex (Myliobatoidei: Dasyatidae) with the description of three new species from the Indo-West Pacific. Zootaxa 4083(4):533-561.
116906 Williams, J.T. and J. Viviani, 2016. <>iPseudogramma polyacantha complex (Serranidae, tribe Grammistini): DNA barcoding results lead to the discovery of three cryptic species, including two new species from French Polynesia. Zootaxa 4111(3):246-260.
117016 Okamoto, M. and H. Motomura, 2017. An additional specimen of a rare lanternbelly Acropoma lecorneti Perciformes: Acropomatidae) from Vanuatu, South Pacific Ocean. Cybium 41(4):373-375.
117904 Kai, Y. and R. Fricke, 2018. Taxonomic review of the deep water flathead genus Parabembras with description of the new species Parabembras multisquamata from the western Pacific Ocean (Teleostei, Parabembridae). ZooKeys 740:59-76.
118055 Motomura, H., R. Ota, M. Meguro and S. Tashiro, 2015. Enneapterygius phoenicosoma, a new species of triplefin (Tripterygiidae) from the Western Pacific Ocean. Species Diversity 20:1-12.
119093 Smith-Vaniz, W.F. and G.D. Johnson, 2016. Hidden diversity in deep-water bandfishes: review of Owstonia with descriptions of twenty-one new species (Teleostei: Cepolidae: Owstoniinae). Zootaxa 4187(1):1-103.
121273 Sasaki, D. and S. Kimura, 2019. A new atherinomorine genus Doboatherina (Atheriniformes: Atherinidae) with a review of included species. Ichthyol. Res. 67:225-261. [2020]
121928 Nielsen, J.G., 2019. Revision of the circumglobal genus Barathronus (Ophidiiformes, Bythitidae) with a new species from the eastern North Atlantic Ocean. Zootaxa 4679(2):231-256.
122568 Prokofiev, A.M., 2014. Taxonomy and distribution of deepsea herring (Bathyclupeidae) in oceans. J. Ichthyol. 54 (8):493-500.
123139 Ho, H.-C., H. Endo and T.-W. Chu, 2020. A new species of the codlet genus Bregmaceros from the western Pacific Ocean (Gadiformes: Bregmacerotidae). Zootaxa 4786(4):565-573.
123144 Smith, D.G., E.S. Karmovskaya and J.P.C.B. Da Silva, 2020. A new congrid eel (Teleostei: Anguilliformes: Congridae) from the Western Pacific, with an analysis of its relationships. Zootaxa 4845(2):191-210.
123726 Okamoto, M., J.E. Randall, H. Motomura, 2021. Acropoma musortom, a new lanternbelly (Acropomatidae) from the South Pacific and the first record of Acropoma splendens from the Andaman Sea off southwestern Thailand. Ichthyol. Res. 68(4):517-528.
123746 Wada, H., Y. Kai and H. Motomura, 2021. Revision of the resurrected deep-water scorpionfish genus Lythrichthys Jordan and Starks 1904 (Setarchidae), with description of two new species. Ichthyol. Res. 68(3):373-403.
123820 Nakamura, J. and H. Motomura, 2021. Epinephelus insularis, a new species of grouper form the western Pacific Ocean and validity of E. japonicus (Temminck and Schlegel 1843), a senior synonym of Serranus reevesii Richardson 1846 and E. tonkahkeei Wu et al. 2020 (Perciformes: Epinephelidae). Ichthyol. Res.
125143 Schwarzhans, W.W. and P.R. Møller, 2021. Revision of the ‘dragon-head’ cusk eels of the genus Porogadus (Teleostei: Ophidiidae), with description of eight new species and one new genus. Zootaxa 5029(1):001-096.
126105 Winterbottom, R. and R.L. Pyle, 2022. A new species of Trimma (Pisces: Gobiida e) from the deep reefs of Vanuatu, western Pacific Ocean. J. Ocean Sci. Found, 39:2-8.
126575 Larson, H.K. and M.P. Hammer, 2021. A revision of the gobiid fish genus Pseudogobius (Teleostei, Gobiidae, Tridentigerinae), with description of seven new species from Australia and South-east Asia. Zootaxa 4961(1):1-85.
127470 Su, Y., H.-C. Lin and H.-C. Ho, 2022. A new cryptic species of the pineapple fish genus Monocentris (Family Monocentridae) from the western Pacific Ocean, with redescription of M. japonica (Houttuyn, 1782). Zootaxa 5189(1):180-203.
128009 Fricke, R., 2018. Two new species of stargazers of the genus Uranoscopus (Teleostei: Uranoscopidae) from the western Pacific Ocean. Zootaxa 4476(1):157-167.
128599 Tea, Y.-K. and H.K. Larson, 2023. Synopsis of the ptereleotrine goby genus Nemateleotris, with description of a new species from the western and central Pacific Ocean (Teleostei: Gobiidae). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 71:248-266.
129313 Lin, J., Shao. K.-T. and D.G. Smith, 2018. The eel genus Macrocephenchelys (Anguilliformes: Congridae) in Taiwan, with description of a new species. Zootaxa 4454(1):186-199.
129596 Motomura, H., H. Nishiyama and S.N. Chiba, 2017. Review of the Chromis xanthura species group (Perciformes: Pomacentridae), with description of a new species. Ichthyol. Res. 65:177-191.
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