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Definition of Term

limited entry fishery
(English) Fishery where the number of operators or gears is restricted to control the amount of fishing effort; frequently involves controls on the number and size of vessels, and condition relating to the transfer of fishing rights or the replacement of vessels. (See also: fishing effort, open access fishery, fishery)
pêcherie contrôlée
(French) Pêcherie où le nombre des navires ou des équipements est restreint pour contrôler l'effort de pêche ; implique fréquemment des contrôles sur la taille des bateaux, et les conditions de transfert des droits de pêche ou de remplacement des bateaux. (See also: fishing effort, open access fishery, fishery)
pescaria com quotas autorizadas
(Portuguese) Pescaria na qual o número de operadores ou artes é restringida no sentido de controlar o esforço de pesca. Frequentemente limita o número e tamanho das embarcações de pesca. (See also: fishing effort, open access fishery, fishery)

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EPA Terms Glossary of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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