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Balearic Sea (Iberian Sea)
Beardfishes barbudos peces barbudo; polimíxidos Polimixiídeo
Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Cochin, India, Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Fisheries Research Institute CMFRI Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Cochin, India Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Cochin, India Instituto Central de Investigação Pesqueira de Cochim, India
chafing gear
Commonwealth Science & Industrial Research Organization, Science & Industrial Research Organization, & Industrial Research Organization CSIRO Commonwealth Science & Industrial Research Organization
ear flap
early embryo, embryo embryon précoce
early life history, life history, history histoire de vie précoce
earthform structure géomorphologique geomorfología com a forma da Terra
facultative lecithotrophic live bearer, lecithotrophic live bearer, live bearer
Far Seas Fisheries Research Laboratory, Orido, Japan, Seas Fisheries Research Laboratory, Fisheries Research Laboratory FSFL Far Seas Fisheries Research Laboratory, Orido, Japan Far Seas Fisheries Research Laboratory, Orido, Japan Laboratório da Pescarias Longinquas, Orida, Japão
final ice clearance, earliest, ice clearance, earliest, clearance, earliest
fish spear, spear
Fish stearin, stearin
Fisheries Research Centre, Research Centre, Centre FRCL
Fisheries Research Laboratory, Mie University, Research Laboratory, Mie University, Laboratory, Mie University FRLM Fisheries Research Laboratory, Mie University Fisheries Research Laboratory, Mie University
Fisheries Research Station, Kyoto University, Research Station, Kyoto University, Station, Kyoto University FRSKU Fisheries Research Station, Kyoto University
fishing gear, gear
free rear tip, rear tip, tip bord postérieur libre extremo posterior libre ponta livre da barbatana
furrows sillons ?? canais lineares
gear engin de pêche arte aparelho
Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Museum, Mississippi, Gulf Coast Research Laboratory GCRL Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Museum, Mississippi Laboratório do Museu da Costa do Golfo, Mississipi
Hairyfish and tapetails or ribbonbearers, and tapetails or ribbonbearers, tapetails or ribbonbearers mirapínnidos Mirapinídeos
high island earthform, island earthform, earthform île haute isla alta ilha
inner ear, ear
Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway, of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway, Marine Research, Bergen, Norway HIFIRE
Institute of Oceanic Research and Development, of Oceanic Research and Development, Oceanic Research and Development IORD
internal bearer
Kanudi Fisheries Research Station, Konedobu, Papua New Guinea, Fisheries Research Station, Research Station KFRS Kanudi Fisheries Research Station, Konedobu, Papua New Guinea Estação de Investigação das Pescas Kanudi, Konedobu, Papua, Nova Guiné
lecithotrophic live bearer, live bearer, bearer
linear linéaire lineal linear
Livebearers cyprinodontes vivipares poecílidos Poecilídeos
low island earthform, island earthform, earthform île basse ilhéu submarino
lymphatic heart
Marine Research Section, Research Section, Section MRS
name-bearing type, type type porte-nom tipo nominal
National Institute for Polar Research, Institute for Polar Research, for Polar Research NIPR
near surface, surface proche de la surface profundidade menor do que 200m
Nearctic Néarctique
nearshore bottom area, bottom area, area zone benthique littorale infralitoral
nearshore waters, waters eaux littorales águas neríticas
nuclear family
nuclear fission, fission
nuclear organizing region, organizing region, region NOR régions porteuses des organisateurs nucléolaires região nuclear
obligate lecithotrophic live bearer, lecithotrophic live bearer, live bearer
odd-year run
Okinawa Regional Research Center, Regional Research Center, Research Center OCTU
Pacific Ocean Research Institute for Sea Fisheries and Oceanography, Ocean Research Institute for Sea Fisheries and Oceanography TINRO
Palaearctic Paléarctique
Palearctic Paléarctique
Pearl essence, essence
pearl organ, organ
Pearl perches, perches Glaucossomatídeos
pearl thorn, thorn espinho em forma de pérola
Pearleyes scopélarchidés Scopelarquídeos
Pearlfishes aurins Carapídeos
Polar Research Institute for Sea Fisheries and Oceanography, Research Institute for Sea Fisheries and Oceanography, Institute for Sea Fisheries and Oceanography PINRO
principle of name-bearing types, of name-bearing types, name-bearing types principe des types porte-nom princípio dos nomes tipo
Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research, Museum of Biodiversity Research, of Biodiversity Research ZRC
rearing habitat
rearing pond
scooping gear, gear
Searobins grondins Triglídeos
semicircular ear canal, ear canal, canal
Shellears Kneriídeos
sigmoid heart, heart
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Balboa, Panama, Smithsonian Tropical Research Inst STRI Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Balboa, Panama Instituto de Investigação Tropical Smithsonian, Balboa,Canal Zone
static gear
submerged earthform, earthform structure géomorphologique submergée submerso
Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute, Chilung, Taiwan, Fisheries Research Institute, Research Institute TFRI Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute, Chilung, Taiwan Instituto das Pescas da Formosa, Chilung, Taiwan, China
Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute, Taitung, Taiwan, Fisheries Research Institute, Taitung, Taiwan, Research Institute, Taitung, Taiwan TFRI-TT
wounding gear, gear
year brood, brood
year class, class
year mark, mark
year-class classe d'âge coorte
young-of-the-year YOY alevin de l'année
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