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Definition of Term

gill arch (View picture)
(English) Bony or cartilaginous arches in the throat of fish to which the filaments and rakers of the gills are attached. Bony fish usually have four gill arches. (See also: gill, gill chamber, respiration)
arc branchial (View picture)
(French) Arcs osseux ou cartilagineux dans la gorge du poisson auxquels les filaments et les branchiospines des branchies sont attachées. Les poissons osseux ont habituellement quatre arcs branchiaux. (See also: gill, gill chamber, respiration)
arco branquial (View picture)
(Portuguese) Arcos ósseos ou cartilagíneos existentes na garganta dos peixes onde estão inseridos os filamentos branquiais e as branquiespinhas; os teleósteos têm normalmente 4 arcos branquiais. (See also: gill, gill chamber, respiration)

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