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Definition of Term

natural mortality
(English) That component of total mortality not caused by fishing, but by natural causes such as predation, diseases, senility, polution, etc. Natural mortality can be reported as either annual or instantaneous. Annual mortality (M) is the fish dying during the year expressed as fraction of the fish alive at the beginning of the year. For example, M 0.5 means that half of the fish alive at the beginning of the year will die during that year. Instantaneous mortality is the percentage of fish dying at any one time. (See also: mortality, fishing mortality, VBGF)
mortalité naturelle
(French) Fraction de la mortalité totale qui n’est pas due à la pêche, mais à des causes naturelles telles que prédation et maladies. Exprimée comme le taux annuel de mortalité M, c.-à-d., nombre des poissons morts pendant l'année (en % de la population totale) exprimé comme une fraction du nombre des poissons vivants au début de l'année. (See also: mortality, fishing mortality, VBGF)
mortalidade natural
(Portuguese) Componente da mortalidade total não provocada pela pesca, mas sim por causas naturais com a predação ou as doenças. (See also: mortality, fishing mortality, VBGF)

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EPA Terms Glossary of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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