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Definition of Term

(English) Untanned sharkskin retaining the placoid scales; it has a rough sandpaper-like surface and was formerly used for sandpaper, sword grips, etc.; also used to refer to the skin of sharks which has been treated by filing down and painting or varnishing to produce a form of leather. May also be used in a general sense for any structure having the appearance of shagreen, i.e. bearing many, small, irregularly-placed round protuberances. (See also: skin, sharks, placoid)
peau de chagrin
(French) Peau dure, granuleuse, surtout cela d'un requin (galuchat). (See also: skin, sharks, placoid)
pele de tubarão
(Portuguese) Pele grossa, granular, como nos tubarões. (See also: skin, sharks, placoid)

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