Fish Identification: Find Species

Class: Cladistii
Order: Polypteriformes
Family: Polypteridae Bichirs

Genus: Polypterus

(See list of species below)

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13 species
(see list below)
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Photo by Chang, Y.C.

Max. Length 28 cm TL
Polypterus ansorgii Boulenger, 1910

Photo by Photo by Chang, Y.C.
Polypterus ansorgii
[Guinean bichir]

Photo by van Uitert, K.

Max. Length 74 cm TL
Polypterus bichir Lacepède, 1803

Photo by Photo by van Uitert, K.
Polypterus bichir
[Nile bichir]

Photo by van Uitert, K.

Max. Length 97 cm TL
Polypterus congicus Boulenger, 1898

Photo by Photo by van Uitert, K.
Polypterus congicus

Photo by Germeau, G./ Doumont, Y.

Max. Length 44 cm TL
Polypterus delhezi Boulenger, 1899

Photo by Photo by Germeau, G./ Doumont, Y.
Polypterus delhezi
[Barred bichir]

Photo by van Uitert, K.

Max. Length 65.5 cm SL
Polypterus endlicherii Heckel, 1847

Photo by Photo by van Uitert, K.
Polypterus endlicherii
[Saddled bichir]

Photo by Pigar, E.

Max. Length 26.7 cm SL
Polypterus mokelembembe Schliewen & Schäfer, 2006

Photo by Photo by Pigar, E.
Polypterus mokelembembe

Photo by Moreau, J.

Max. Length 60 cm TL
Polypterus ornatipinnis Boulenger, 1902

Photo by Photo by Moreau, J.
Polypterus ornatipinnis
[Ornate bichir]

Photo by Mody, K.

Max. Length 35.3 cm SL
Polypterus palmas Ayres, 1850

Photo by Photo by Mody, K.
Polypterus palmas
[Shortfin bichir]
No picture found

Max. Length 32.1 cm SL

Polypterus polli
[Poll's bichir]

Photo by Germeau, G.

Max. Length 34 cm SL
Polypterus retropinnis Vaillant, 1899

Photo by Photo by Germeau, G.
Polypterus retropinnis
[West African bichir]

Photo by JJPhoto

Max. Length 70 cm SL
Polypterus senegalus Cuvier, 1829

Photo by Photo by JJPhoto
Polypterus senegalus
[Gray bichir]

Photo by van Uitert, K.

Max. Length 41.5 cm SL
Polypterus teugelsi Britz, 2004

Photo by Photo by van Uitert, K.
Polypterus teugelsi

Photo by Chang, Y.C.

Max. Length 54 cm TL
Polypterus weeksii Boulenger, 1898

Photo by Photo by Chang, Y.C.
Polypterus weeksii
[Mottled bichir]

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Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm) Year
Polypterus ansorgii Guinean bichir Africa 28 TL 1910
Polypterus bichir Nile bichir Africa 74 TL 1803
Polypterus congicus Africa 97 TL 1898
Polypterus delhezi Barred bichir Africa 44 TL 1899
Polypterus endlicherii Saddled bichir Africa 65.5 SL 1847
Polypterus mokelembembe Africa 26.7 SL 2006
Polypterus ornatipinnis Ornate bichir Africa 60 TL 1902
Polypterus palmas Shortfin bichir Africa 35.3 SL 1850
Polypterus polli Poll's bichir Africa 32.1 SL 1988
Polypterus retropinnis West African bichir Africa 34 SL 1899
Polypterus senegalus Gray bichir Africa 70 SL 1829
Polypterus teugelsi Africa 41.5 SL 2004
Polypterus weeksii Mottled bichir Africa 54 TL 1898

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013