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Amblyceps foratum: List of Point Data Occurrences data  |   Species Summary   
n = 12   (FB = 10, GBIF = 2)      View map: C-squares Mapper
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Name used Year Latitude Longitude Catalog No. Information
19858.8298.58CMK 5178Kottelat et al., Khlong Sok at Ban Khlong Sok, Surat Thani Prov.
Portal: FB. Source: CMK
Amblyceps foratum8.8298.58CMK 5178Khlong Sok at Ban Khlong Sok, Surat Thani Prov.
Portal: GBIF. Source: CMK
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
19976.46100.55ZRC 41098H.H. Ng et al., Stream approximately 3 km after UUM on Sintok-Padang Senai road, Perlis
Portal: FB. Source: ZRC
19975.42101.13ZRC 41061H.H. Ng et al., Sungai Kenderong at Gerik, Perak
Portal: FB. Source: ZRC
19974.85101.19ZRC 41041H.H. Ng et al., Sungai Korbu at Jalong, Perak
Portal: FB. Source: ZRC
19975.46101.22ZRC 41075H.H. Ng et al., Sungai Lebey approximately 16 km from Gerik on Gerik-Kota Bahru road, Perak
Portal: FB. Source: ZRC
199313.53102.18CMK 10661M. Kottelat et al., About 1 km on road to Nam Tok Phliu after leaving Chantaburi-Trat highway, Chantaburi Province
Portal: FB. Source: CMK
199712.91102.37ZRC 40816S.H Tan et al., Klong Nam Ron (stream) ca. 54 km N of Chantaburi, Pong Nam Rong district, Chantaburi Province
Portal: FB. Source: ZRC
199712.47102.62ZRC 40827H.H Tan et al., Klong Pheet (stream) ca. 3.5 km from Trat, Chantaburi Province, southeastern Thailand
Portal: FB. Source: ZRC
199312.47102.63CMK 10722M. Kottelat er al., Khlong Fit at Ban Kraduk Chang, Trat-Bo Rai road 3157, about 1-2 km after junction with road 3271, Tra Province, southeastern Thailand
Portal: FB. Source: CMK
Amblyceps foratum4.96102.96ZRC 43718Sungai Brang just outside Sekayu Waterfall Park, Terengganu.
Portal: GBIF. Source: ZRC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
19954.96102.96ZRC 43718P.K.L. Ng et al., Sungai Brang just outside Sekayu Waterfall Park, Terengganu.
Portal: FB. Source: ZRC
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Last modified by Casey, 09.06.15