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Aphyosemion calliurum: List of Point Data Occurrences data  |   Species Summary   
n = 22   (FB = 21, GBIF = 1)      View map: C-squares Mapper
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Name used Year Latitude Longitude Catalog No. Information
Aphyosemion calliurum6.823.93P 73039.137173039.1384Clausen & Scheel, Ijebu-ode
Portal: FB. Source: P
Aphyosemion calliurum5.026.67P 91055.056991055.0570Powell C.B., Ihuaba, Sombreiro riv.
Portal: FB. Source: P
Aphyosemion calliurum4.906.90P 92014.006092014.0070Powell C.B., New Calabar, tidal freshwater swampforest at Univ. Port Harcourt, between Choba bridge and ARAC
Portal: FB. Source: P
Aphyosemion calliurum4.987.07P 88043.035588043.0356Powell C.B., Imo system, Otamiri riv. at Chokocho bridge
Portal: FB. Source: P
Aphyosemion calliurum4.958.32P 81064.008281064.0085Powell C.B., baan ten noorden van Calabar
Portal: FB. Source: P
Aphyosemion calliurum4.958.32P 81064.009281064.0093Powell C.B., baan ten noorden van Calabar
Portal: FB. Source: P
Aphyosemion calliurum4.958.32P 81064.0102Powell C.B., baan ten noorden van Calabar
Portal: FB. Source: P
Aphyosemion calliurum5.238.35P 84051.0147Reid J.C., tributaire Great Kwa river, ca. 30 km N of Calabar, Calabar Highway, Cross River state
Portal: FB. Source: P
Aphyosemion calliurum5.108.37P 84051.001184051.0016Reid J.C., Bacoco, 15 km N of Calabar, Cross river state
Portal: FB. Source: P
Aphyosemion calliurum5.408.62P 84028.001984028.0021Powell C.B., 3 km S of Aking in Oban Hills
Portal: FB. Source: P
Aphyosemion calliurum4.978.70P 92144.0345Kamdem Toham A., Korup Park, southern part, tributaries of Akpasang riv. (Rengo Rock to jct Q)
Portal: FB. Source: P
Aphyosemion calliurum5.478.73P 84051.0028Reid J.C., 88 km NE of Mcc (Ekang) road, Cross River State
Portal: FB. Source: P
Aphyosemion calliurum5.088.92P 92144.034992144.0350Kamdem Toham A., Korup Park, 2 km from Science Camp
Portal: FB. Source: P
Aphyosemion calliurum5.088.92P 92144.034692144.0347Kamdem Toham A., Korup Park, from Science Camp to junction P
Portal: FB. Source: P
Aphyosemion calliurum5.088.92P 92144.0348Kamdem Toham A., Korup Park, southern part, around Science Camp
Portal: FB. Source: P
Aphyosemion calliurum4.559.08P 77017.110177017.1135Radda A., Mbonge
Portal: FB. Source: P
Aphyosemion calliurum4.409.13P 73039.133273039.1370Scheel J.J., Mondongo, N of Mbonge
Portal: FB. Source: P
Aphyosemion calliurum3.639.4219415AFRIKA, W-, KAMERUN, WSW-, KUMBA* ,
Portal: GBIF. Source: SMF
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Aphyosemion calliurum4.289.42P 94011.0070Lamboj A., Dongo river, entrance to Muyuka, road Buea-Muyuka
Portal: FB. Source: P
Aphyosemion calliurum4.359.45P 75056.160375056.1655Thys vd Audenaerde & Van der Veken, Malende, route Victoria-Kumba
Portal: FB. Source: P
Aphyosemion calliurum4.129.58P 73029.0101Thys van den Audenaerde & Opdenbosch, Bekoko, ruisseau
Portal: FB. Source: P
Aphyosemion calliurum-4.2514.60P -125295-125296Brichard P., Brusseaux, sur le Congo-Océan, tête de riv. Fulakari
Portal: FB. Source: P
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Last modified by Casey, 09.06.15