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Leptocypris weeksii : Occurrence Records Point data |  Species Summary 
n = 39   (FB = 39)      Sort by Country Locality Year Depth Source
Country Year Collector Identifier Catalog No. Depth (m) Locality Source
1911Schubotz leg. 9.IV.1911 ZMH 14682Archambault Portal: FB.
Source: ZMH
Congo (Democratino yearLootens P.Howes G. P - 98669Wema, riv. Tshuapa Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearLootens P.Howes G. P - 98763-98776Wema, riv. Tshuapa Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearLootens P.Poll M. P - 96620-96623Bokuma Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearStat. Gangala na BodioHowes G. P - 96408Gangala na Bodio Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearPhilippe R.Poll M. P - 94056-94076Coquilhatville Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearLootens P.Howes G. P - 93678Bokuma Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearLootens P.Poll M. P - 88367Mondombe Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearLootens P.Poll M. P - 88368-88377Bokuma Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearLootens P.Poll M. P - 88365-88366Ingende Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearLootens P.Poll M. P - 78603Bokuma, Coquilhatville Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearLootens P.Poll M. P - 78564Bokuma, Coquilhatville Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearPoll M.Poll M. P - 70837-70844Lukolela, fl. Congo Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearPoll M.Howes G. P - 70416-70427Kindu, fleuve Lualaba Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearPoll M.Howes G. P - 70378-70388Kindu, fleuve Lualaba Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearSchwetz J.Poll M. P - 66516-66523riv. Lukula, Kwango Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearHutsebaut J.Howes G. P - 62973-62974Buta Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearGhesquière J.Poll M. P - 46711-46730Eala, riv. Ruki Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearChristy C.Boulenger G.A. P - 2552Stanley-Falls Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearChristy C.Boulenger G.A. P - 2315Stanley-Falls Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearMagis & PonceletHowes G. P -182845riv. Lufira, aval des chutes Cornet à Lupweshi Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearDe Vos L.Howes G. P 88025.0206Kisangani, riv. Tshopo, en aval du barrage hydroélectrique Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearDe Vos L.Howes G. P 88025.0205Kisangani, riv. Tshopo, en aval du barrage hydroélectrique Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearDe Vos L.Howes G. P 88025.0204Kisangani, riv. Tshopo, en aval du barrage hydroélectrique Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearMandeville J.Thys van den Audenaerde D. P 73022.2777Stanley-Pool, passe Mikunga Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearMandeville J.Thys van den Audenaerde D. P 73022.2776Stanley-Pool Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearMandeville J.Thys van den Audenaerde D. P 73022.276373022.2775Black river, riv. Bombo Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearMandeville J.Thys van den Audenaerde D. P 73022.2762Stanley-Pool, passe côte M'Bamu Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearMandeville J.Thys van den Audenaerde D. P 73022.2761Stanley-Pool, beach Ndolo Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearMandeville J.Thys van den Audenaerde D. P 73022.2760Stanley-Pool, lieu Iseba Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearPoll M.Howes G. P -179797-179799Stanleyville, pêcheries des Wagenias Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearGosse J.P.Gosse J.P. P -135075-135080Yangambi, fl. Congo Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearHulot A.Poll M. P -123176Yangambi, riv. Isalowe Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearBrien, Poll & BouillonPoll M. P -117481-117482Stanley-Pool Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearMandeville J.Poll M. P - 99085Stanley-Pool Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearLootens P.Howes G. P - 98789-98792Boango, riv. Tshuapa Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearLootens P.Howes G. P - 98777-98788Lotoko, riv. Tshuapa Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearLootens P.Howes G. P - 98744-98762Ingende Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Republic no yearVreven & Ibala ZambaIbala Zamba A. P A8020.0871A8020.0878riv. Léfini, au confluent fl. Congo, rive droite, petit canal Portal: FB.
Source: P
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