Occurrence Record for Clarias camerunensis

Royal Museum for Central Africa (MRAC)
Main Ref. Anonymous, 1997 (Ref. 12818)
Name used Clarias camerunensis
Catalog No. P A7031.0037A7031.0046
Locality riv. Ntiene, affl. riv. Lessio, bassin LĂ©fini
Coordinates 3° 15.89' S 15° 28.56' E
In decimal: -3.26, 15.48
Geography area Africa-Inland Waters
Country Congo (Brazzaville)
Collector Ibala Zamba, Vreven & al.
Museum [P]
Date 20/09/07
Identifier Ibala Zamba A.
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last modified by sortiz, 10/04/17