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Pictures available for Plectorhinchus vittatus.       WoRMS  |  iNaturalist images  |  iNaturalist observations  |  Google Images
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tn_Plori_j0.jpgPlori_j0.jpgPhoto by Tomeno, V.
Seychelles, by Tomeno, V. (Plori_j0.jpg)
tn_Plori_u0.jpgPlori_u0.jpgPhoto by Tomeno, V.
Seychelles, by Tomeno, V. (Plori_u0.jpg)
tn_Plori_u1.jpgPlori_u1.jpgPhoto by Randall, J.E.
Maldives, by Randall, J.E. (Plori_u1.jpg)
tn_Plori_u2.jpgPlori_u2.jpgPhoto by Randall, J.E.
Maldives, by Randall, J.E. (Plori_u2.jpg)
tn_Plvit_j0.jpgPlvit_j0.jpgPhoto by Randall, J.E.
Papua New Guinea, by Randall, J.E. (Plvit_j0.jpg)
tn_Plvit_u1.jpgPlvit_u1.jpgPhoto by Randall, J.E.
American Samoa, by Randall, J.E. (Plvit_u1.jpg)
tn_Plvit_u6.jpgPlvit_u6.jpgPhoto by Patzner, R.
Papua New Guinea, by Patzner, R. (Plvit_u6.jpg)
tn_Plvit_u7.jpgPlvit_u7.jpgPhoto by Patzner, R.
Papua New Guinea, by Patzner, R. (Plvit_u7.jpg)
tn_Plvit_j1.jpgPlvit_j1.jpgPhoto by Randall, J.E.
Seychelles, by Randall, J.E. (Plvit_j1.jpg)
tn_Plvit_j2.jpgPlvit_j2.jpgPhoto by Randall, J.E.
Sri Lanka, by Randall, J.E. (Plvit_j2.jpg)
tn_Plvit_u0.jpgPlvit_u0.jpgPhoto by Randall, J.E.
Solomon Islands, by Randall, J.E. (Plvit_u0.jpg)
tn_Plvit_u2.jpgPlvit_u2.jpgPhoto by Randall, J.E.
Solomon Islands, by Randall, J.E. (Plvit_u2.jpg)
tn_Plvit_u3.jpgPlvit_u3.jpgPhoto by Randall, J.E.
Sri Lanka, by Randall, J.E. (Plvit_u3.jpg)
tn_Plvit_u4.jpgPlvit_u4.jpgPhoto by Randall, J.E.
Tanzania, by Randall, J.E. (Plvit_u4.jpg)
tn_Plvit_u5.jpgPlvit_u5.jpgPhoto by Randall, J.E.
Fiji, by Randall, J.E. (Plvit_u5.jpg)
tn_Plvit_u8.jpgPlvit_u8.jpgPhoto by Lai, N.-W.
Hong Kong, by Lai, N.-W. (Plvit_u8.jpg)
tn_Plori_j0.gifPlori_j0.gifPhoto by FAO
by FAO (Plori_j0.gif)
tn_Plori_u1.gifPlori_u1.gifPhoto by FAO
by FAO (Plori_u1.gif)
tn_Plori_u0.gifPlori_u0.gifPhoto by FAO
by FAO (Plori_u0.gif)

Note: the photos shown on this page are low resolution scans in high compression JPEG format. The copyright remains with the photographers/institutes. Click on the image to see individual license applicable to each picture.

Photos uploaded by FishBase users
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For comments, corrections please contact Aque Atanacio
(Fish identification given by uploader of photo)

../tools/UploadPhoto/uploads/DSC00560.JPG Photo by Culinarius
Maldives, 03.2006, by Culinarius

../tools/UploadPhoto/uploads/plori1.jpg Photo by Richard Field
Maldives, Huvafen fushi, by Richard Field

../tools/UploadPhoto/uploads/plori2.jpg Photo by Richard Field
Maldives, Huvafen fushi, by Richard Field
../tools/UploadPhoto/uploads/plectorhinchus_vittatus.jpg Photo by Rainer Kretzberg
Maldives, Mirihi, Feb. 2011, by Rainer Kretzberg
../tools/UploadPhoto/uploads/Plectorhinchus_orientalis_BLChristie_Juvenile.jpg Photo by Barrett L. Christie
United States (contiguous states), Public Aquarium, Dallas, Texas. Juvenile specimen approx 52mm TL, by Barrett L. Christie
../tools/UploadPhoto/uploads/Plectorhinchus_orientalis_BLChristie_SubAdult.jpg Photo by Barrett L. Christie
United States (contiguous states), Public Aquarium, Dallas Texas. Subadult specimen approx 8cm TL, by Barrett L. Christie
../tools/UploadPhoto/uploads/Plectorhinchus_orientalis_BLChristie_YoungAdult.jpg Photo by Barrett L. Christie
United States (contiguous states), Public Aquarium, Dallas, Texas. Young adult specimen approx 16cm TL, by Barrett L. Christie

../tools/UploadPhoto/uploads/1469525492_162.158.167.12.jpg Photo by Jianguo Du
Indonesia, Lembeh Strait, April 2013, by Jianguo Du

../tools/UploadPhoto/uploads/1469525463_162.158.167.12.jpg Photo by Jianguo Du
Indonesia, Lembeh Strait, April 2013, by Jianguo Du

../tools/UploadPhoto/uploads/1347214198_62.178.129.238.jpg Photo by Otakar Seycek
Maldives, Helengeli, March 13, 2012, by Otakar Seycek

../tools/UploadPhoto/uploads/1347216513_62.178.129.238.jpg Photo by Otakar Seycek
Maldives, Embudu, Jan. 22, 2011, by Otakar Seycek
../tools/UploadPhoto/uploads/1458734377_36.69.211.227.jpg Photo by Ahmad Zahid
Indonesia, Gebe Island North Maluku, 22-10-2012, by Ahmad Zahid
../tools/UploadPhoto/uploads/1481727703_188.114.102.52.jpg Photo by Trevor Meyer
United Kingdom, Kandooma Thila, South Male Atoll, 14 November 2016, by Trevor Meyer
../tools/UploadPhoto/uploads/1481977675_188.114.102.52.jpg Photo by Trevor Meyer
Maldives, Ellaidhoo, North Ari Atoll, 18 November 2016, by Trevor Meyer
../tools/UploadPhoto/uploads/1549139213_172.68.46.187.jpg Photo by Scott Johnson
Indonesia, Bali, Seraya, 7 November 2014, by Scott Johnson

../tools/UploadPhoto/uploads/1587827304_162.158.158.215.jpg Photo by Gianemilio Rusconi
Maldives, Bodufolhudhoo-Ari North, 3.2015, 40 cm, by Gianemilio Rusconi

../tools/UploadPhoto/uploads/1603297144_108.162.237.10.jpg Photo by Carol D Cox
Indonesia, Ambon, March 2019, by Carol D Cox

../tools/UploadPhoto/uploads/1617571659_162.158.74.31.jpg Photo by Carol D Cox
Indonesia, Ambon, March 2019, by Carol D Cox

../tools/UploadPhoto/uploads/1656599317_172.70.147.67.jpg Photo by Baiju P. T.
India, Kovalam, 01.03.2015, by Baiju P. T.
../tools/UploadPhoto/uploads/1675820163_162.158.170.67.jpeg Photo by Jose Antonio Cabo Bujan
Solomon Islands, 9°23'08.7"S 159°52'28.8"E, July 17, 2016, 12 inches, by Jose Antonio Cabo Bujan
../tools/UploadPhoto/uploads/1707081243_172.70.254.110.jpg Photo by Pauline Walsh Jacobson
Indonesia, Wakatobi Marine Park, 2013, by Pauline Walsh Jacobson

Pictures from the Ichthyology Database of the Swedish Museum of Natural History (XML)
Note: 'a red line' marks the picture of a type.
For comments, corrections please contact Michael Norén



Early Life History Pictures

tn_Plori_j0.gifPlori_j0.gifPhoto by FAO
by FAO (Plori_j0.gif)

Note: the photos shown on this page are low resolution scans in high compression JPEG format. The copyright remains with the photographers/institutes. If you want to use any of the photos/drawings, please contact the contributor for permission. However, we would appreciate a proper indication of the source. For other drawings where the originating publication is given, you have to ask the publisher and the author for permission to use those drawings.