Citation | Chen, C.-H., 2004. Checklist of the fishes of Penghu. FRI Special Publication No. 4. 175 p. |
DOI / ISBN | 957-01-6879-X |
Paper URL | |
Ref. No. | 55073 |
Language | Chinese |
Usage | all species used |
Comments | Date given - (Bleeker, 1849). |
Remarks | Chinese collaborator to enter information written in Chinese characters. All species entered except Squalus sp. (p. 22), Apterichtus sp. (p.30), Opistognathus sp. (p. 67), Gymnapogon sp. (p. 71), Acanthopagrus sp. (p.88), Pagrus mauratus (p. 89, not in CoF, April 2006), Pentapodus sp. (p. 92), Parapercis sp. (p. 125), Limnichthys sp. (p. 126), Amblyeleotris sp. (p. 133), Eviota sp. 1 (p. 134), Eviota sp. 3 (p. 134), Trimma sp. (p. 137),Soleichthys sp. (p. 149). |
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