जानकारी परिवार के अनुसार Acanthuridae Acestrorhynchidae Acheilognathidae Achiridae Achiropsettidae Acipenseridae Acropomatidae Adrianichthyidae Aenigmachannidae Aetobatidae Agonidae Ailiidae Akysidae Albulidae Alepisauridae Alepocephalidae Alestidae Alopiidae Alosidae Amarsipidae Ambassidae Amblycipitidae Amblyopsidae Amiidae Ammodytidae Amphiliidae Anabantidae Anablepidae Anacanthobatidae Anarhichadidae Anchariidae Anguillidae Anomalopidae Anoplogastridae Anoplopomatidae Anostomidae Anotopteridae Antennariidae Anthiadidae Antigoniidae Aphaniidae Aphredoderidae Apistidae Aploactinidae Aplocheilidae Aplodactylidae Apogonidae Apteronotidae Aracanidae Arapaimidae Argentinidae Arhynchobatidae Ariidae Ariommatidae Arripidae Artedidraconidae Aspredinidae Astroblepidae Ateleopodidae Atelomycteridae Atherinidae Atherinopsidae Atherionidae Auchenipteridae Auchenoglanididae Aulopidae Aulorhynchidae Aulostomidae Austroglanididae Badidae Bagridae Balistidae Balitoridae Banjosidae Barbourisiidae Barbuccidae Bathyclupeidae Bathydraconidae Bathygadidae Bathylagidae Bathymasteridae Bathysauridae Bathysauroididae Batrachoididae Bedotiidae Belonidae Bembridae Bembropidae Berycidae Blenniidae Bothidae Botiidae Bovichtidae Brachaeluridae Brachionichthyidae Bramidae Bregmacerotidae Bryconidae Butidae Bythitidae Caesionidae Caesioscorpididae Callanthiidae Callichthyidae Callionymidae Callorhinchidae Caproidae Carangidae Carapidae Carcharhinidae Carchariidae Caristiidae Catostomidae Caulophrynidae Cebidichthyidae Centrarchidae Centriscidae Centrogenyidae Centrolophidae Centrophoridae Centrophrynidae Centropomidae Cepolidae Ceratiidae Cetomimidae Cetopsidae Cetorhinidae Chacidae Chaenopsidae Chaetodontidae Chalceidae Champsodontidae Chanidae Channichthyidae Channidae Characidae Chaudhuriidae Chaunacidae Cheilodactylidae Cheimarrichthyidae Chiasmodontidae Chilodontidae Chimaeridae Chirocentridae Chironemidae Chlamydoselachidae Chlopsidae Chlorophthalmidae Cichlidae Cirrhitidae Citharidae Citharinidae Clariidae Claroteidae Clinidae Clupeidae Cobitidae Colocongridae Congiopodidae Congridae Coryphaenidae Cottidae Cranoglanididae Creediidae Crenuchidae Cryptacanthodidae Ctenoluciidae Curimatidae Cyclopsettidae Cyclopteridae Cyematidae Cynodontidae Cynoglossidae Cyprinidae Cyprinodontidae Cyttidae Dactylopteridae Dactyloscopidae Dalatiidae Danionidae Dasyatidae Dentatherinidae Denticipitidae Derichthyidae Diceratiidae Dichichthyidae Dichistiidae Dinematichthyidae Dinolestidae Dinopercidae Diodontidae Diplomystidae Diretmidae Distichodontidae Doradidae Dorosomatidae Draconettidae Drepaneidae Dussumieriidae Echeneidae Echinorhinidae Ehiravidae Elassomatidae Eleginopidae Eleotridae Ellopostomatidae Elopidae Embiotocidae Emmelichthyidae Engraulidae Enoplosidae Ephippidae Epigonidae Epinephelidae Erythrinidae Eschmeyeridae Esocidae Etmopteridae Euclichthyidae Eulophiidae Eurypharyngidae Evermannellidae Exocoetidae Fistulariidae Fluviphylacidae Fundulidae Gadidae Gaidropsaridae Galaxiidae Galeocerdonidae Gasteropelecidae Gasterosteidae Gastromyzontidae Gempylidae Geotriidae Gerreidae Gibberichthyidae Gigantactinidae Giganturidae Ginglymostomatidae Girellidae Glaucosomatidae Glaucostegidae Gnathanacanthidae Gobiesocidae Gobiidae Gobionidae Gonorynchidae Gonostomatidae Goodeidae Grammatidae Grammicolepididae Grammistidae Gurgesiellidae Gymnarchidae Gymnotidae Gymnuridae Gyrinocheilidae Haemulidae Halosauridae Harpagiferidae Helostomatidae Hemerocoetidae Hemigaleidae Hemiodontidae Hemiramphidae Hemiscylliidae Hepsetidae Heptapteridae Heterenchelyidae Heterodontidae Heteropneustidae Hexagrammidae Hexanchidae Hexatrygonidae Himantolophidae Hiodontidae Hispidoberycidae Histiophrynidae Holocentridae Hoplichthyidae Horabagridae Howellidae Hypnidae Hypopomidae Hypoptychidae Icosteidae Ictaluridae Iguanodectidae Indostomidae Ipnopidae Isonidae Istiophoridae Jordaniidae Kneriidae Kraemeriidae Kryptoglanidae Kuhliidae Kurtidae Kyphosidae Labridae Labrisomidae Lacantuniidae Lactariidae Lamnidae Lampridae Lateolabracidae Latidae Latilidae Latimeriidae Latridae Lebiasinidae Leiognathidae Lepidogalaxiidae Lepidosirenidae Lepisosteidae Leptobarbidae Leptobramidae Leptochariidae Leptoscopidae Lethrinidae Leuciscidae Linophrynidae Liopropomatidae Liparidae Lobotidae Lophichthyidae Lophiidae Lophotidae Loricariidae Lotidae Lumpenidae Lutjanidae Luvaridae Lyconidae Macrouridae Macruronidae Malacanthidae Malakichthyidae Malapteruridae Mastacembelidae Megachasmidae Megalopidae Melamphaidae Melanocetidae Melanonidae Melanotaeniidae Menidae Merlucciidae Microcanthidae Microdesmidae Microstomatidae Milyeringidae Mitsukurinidae Mobulidae Mochokidae Molidae Monacanthidae Monocentridae Monodactylidae Monognathidae Mordaciidae Moridae Moringuidae Mormyridae Moronidae Mugilidae Mullidae Muraenesocidae Muraenidae Muraenolepididae Myctophidae Myliobatidae Myrocongridae Myxinidae Nandidae Narcinidae Narkidae Nemacheilidae Nematistiidae Nematogenyidae Nemichthyidae Nemipteridae Neoceratiidae Neoceratodontidae Neocyematidae Neoscopelidae Neosebastidae Neozoarcidae Nettastomatidae Niphonidae Nomeidae Normanichthyidae Notacanthidae Nothobranchiidae Notocheiridae Notopteridae Notosudidae Nototheniidae Odacidae Odontaspididae Odontobutidae Ogcocephalidae Omosudidae Oncopteridae Oneirodidae Ophichthidae Ophidiidae Opisthocentridae Opisthoproctidae Opistognathidae Oplegnathidae Orectolobidae Oreosomatidae Osmeridae Osphronemidae Osteoglossidae Ostraciidae Ostracoberycidae Oxudercidae Oxynotidae Paedocyprididae Pangasiidae Pantanodontidae Pantodontidae Paralepididae Paralichthodidae Paralichthyidae Parascorpididae Parascylliidae Paraulopidae Parazenidae Parodontidae Pataecidae Pegasidae Pempheridae Pentacerotidae Pentanchidae Percalatidae Percichthyidae Percidae Perciliidae Percophidae Percopsidae Peristediidae Perryenidae Petromyzontidae Phallostethidae Pholidae Pholidichthyidae Phosichthyidae Phractolaemidae Phreatobiidae Phycidae Pimelodidae Pinguipedidae Platycephalidae Platyrhinidae Platytroctidae Plecoglossidae Plectrogeniidae Plesiobatidae Plesiopidae Pleuronectidae Plotosidae Poeciliidae Poecilopsettidae Polycentridae Polymixiidae Polynemidae Polyodontidae Polyprionidae Polypteridae Pomacanthidae Pomacentridae Pomatomidae Potamotrygonidae Priacanthidae Pristidae Pristigasteridae Pristiophoridae Pristolepididae Procatopodidae Prochilodontidae Profundulidae Proscylliidae Protanguillidae Protopteridae Psettodidae Pseudaphritidae Pseudocarchariidae Pseudochromidae Pseudomugilidae Pseudopimelodidae Pseudotriakidae Pseudotrichonotidae Psilorhynchidae Psychrolutidae Ptilichthyidae Rachycentridae Radiicephalidae Rajidae Ranicipitidae Regalecidae Retropinnidae Rhamphichthyidae Rhamphocottidae Rhincodontidae Rhinidae Rhinobatidae Rhinochimaeridae Rhinopteridae Rhombosoleidae Rhyacichthyidae Rhycheridae Ritidae Rivulidae Rondeletiidae Saccopharyngidae Salangidae Salmonidae Samaridae Scaridae Scatophagidae Schilbeidae Schindleriidae Sciaenidae Scoloplacidae Scomberesocidae Scombridae Scombrolabracidae Scombropidae Scopelarchidae Scophthalmidae Scorpaenidae Scorpididae Scyliorhinidae Scytalinidae Sebastidae Serpenticobitidae Serranidae Serrasalmidae Serrivomeridae Setarchidae Siganidae Sillaginidae Siluridae Sinipercidae Sisoridae Soleidae Solenostomidae Somniosidae Sparidae Sphyraenidae Sphyrnidae Spratelloididae Squalidae Squatinidae Stegostomatidae Steindachneriidae Stephanoberycidae Stereolepididae Sternoptychidae Sternopygidae Stichaeidae Stomiidae Stromateidae Stylephoridae Sudidae Sundadanionidae Symphysanodontidae Synagropidae Synanceiidae Synaphobranchidae Synbranchidae Syngnathidae Synodontidae Tanichthyidae Tarumaniidae Tathicarpidae Telmatherinidae Terapontidae Tetrabrachiidae Tetragonuridae Tetraodontidae Tetrarogidae Thalasseleotrididae Thaumatichthyidae Tincidae Torpedinidae Toxotidae Trachichthyidae Trachinidae Trachipteridae Trachyrincidae Triacanthidae Triacanthodidae Triakidae Trichiuridae Trichodontidae Trichomycteridae Trichonotidae Triglidae Triodontidae Triportheidae Tripterygiidae Trygonorrhinidae Umbridae Uranoscopidae Urolophidae Urotrygonidae Vaillantellidae Valenciidae Veliferidae Xenisthmidae Xenocyprididae Xiphiidae Zanclidae Zanclorhynchidae Zaniolepididae Zanobatidae Zaproridae Zeidae Zenarchopteridae Zeniontidae Zoarcidae "Brycon characins" "Largemouth kissing eelpouts" "Lizard bite tetras" "Rearspined fin pricklebacks" "Spinous fin eelpouts" Abas Aestivating lungfishes African lampeyes African lungfishes African pikes African rivulines African tetras Aholeholes Airbreathing catfishes Airsac catfishes Alfonsinos Algae eaters American lampeyes American round stingrays American soles Anchovies Angel sharks Angelfishes Antarctic dragonfishes Ara groupers Archerfishes Argentines or herring smelts Ariommatids Armored catfishes Armored searobins or armored gurnards Armored sticklebacks Armoreye dories Armorhead catfishes Armorheads Armoured grenadiers Arowanas Asian leaffishes Asian schilbeids Asian seaperches Asiatic glassfishes Atlantic hakes Atlantic red eels Aulopus Australian basses Australian lungfish Australian prowfishes Australian salmon Austroglanids Ayu fish Bagless glassfishes Bagrid catfishes Balrog frogfishes Bamboo sharks Bandfishes Banjo catfishes Banjo rays, Fiddler rays Banjofishes Barbeled dragonfishes Barbeled houndsharks Barbled plunderfishes Barehead scorpionfishes Barracudas Barracudinas Barreleyes or spookfishes Basking sharks Basslets Batfishes Beachsalmon Beaked salmons Beardfishes Bichirs Bigeye flounders Bigeyes or catalufas Bigscale fishes or ridgeheads Billfishes Bitterlings Black Seadevils Blackchins Blind cave gudgeons Blind sharks Blowhole perches Blue eyes Blue grenadiers Bluefishes Bluntnose knifefishes Boarfishes Bobtail snipe eels Bonefishes Bonytongues Bowfins Boxfishes Bramble sharks Bristlemouths Brook loaches Bullhead, horn, or Port Jackson sharks Bully sleepers Bumblebee catfishes, dwarf marbled catfishes Butterfishes Butterfly rays Butterflyfishes Cales and weed-whitings Callichthyid armored catfishes Cardinalfishes Carpet or nurse sharks Cat sharks Catadromous icefishes Cavebasses Cavefishes Chameleonfishes Characins; tetras Chiapas catfishes Chinese perches Cichlids Cigar barbs Cistern catfishes Citharids Claroteid catfishes Climbing gouramies Clingfishes and singleslits Clinids Cobia Cod icefishes Codlets Cods and haddocks Coffin rays Cofishes Collared carpet sharks Collared wrigglers Coloured catsharks Combfishes Combtooth blennies Conger and garden eels Convict blenny Cornetfishes Cow sharks Cownose rays Crested flounders Crestfishes Crocodile icefishes Crocodile sharks Crocodile toothfishes Cucumber fishes Cusk-eels Cutlassfishes Cutthroat eels Daggertooth Damselfishes Danios Deep-sea bristly scorpionfishes Deep-sea smelts Deep-sea spiny eels Deep-sea tripod fishes Deepbody boarfishes Deepsea herring Deepsea lizardfishes Deepwater boxfishes Deepwater cardinalfishes Deepwater catsharks Deepwater flatheads Deepwater stingrays Deepwater tilefishes Denticle herrings Devilrays Distichodus Dogfish sharks Dogtooth characins Dolphinfishes Dories Dottybacks Double anglers (Ref. 07463) or Doublespine Seadevils (Ref. 86949) Dragonets Dreamers Driftfishes Driftwood catfishes Drums or croakers Duckbill eels Duckbill flatheads Duckbills Eagle and manta rays East Asian minnows Eel cods Eel pricklebacks Eelpouts Eeltail catfishes Electric catfishes Electric rays Elephantfishes Emperors or scavengers Eucla cods Fairy basslets or Streamer basses False catsharks False morays False scorpionfishes False trevallies Fanfins Fangtooths Fanrays Fatheads Featherbacks or knifefishes Filefishes Finback catsharks Fire-eyed loaches Flabby whalefishes Flannel-mouth characiforms Flatheads Flatnose catfishes Flying gurnards Flyingfishes Footballfishes Four-armed frogfishes Four-eyed fishes, onesided livebearers & white-eye Freshwater Butterflyfish Freshwater eels Freshwater hatchetfishes Freshwater sleepers Frilled sharks Frogfishes Fusiliers Galaxiids Galjoen fishes Gars Ghost flatheads Ghost knifefishes Ghost pipefishes Giant guitarfishes Giant seabasses Gibberfishes Gizzard shads and sardinellas Glass knifefishes Gnomefishes Goatfishes Gobies Goblin shark Gollum snakehead fishes Gombessa Goosefishes Gouramies Grammicolepidids Graveldivers Greeneyes Greenlings Grenadiers or rattails Groupers Grunt sculpins Grunters or tigerperches Grunts Gudgeon gobies Gudgeons Guitarfishes Gulper sharks Gulpers Gunnels Gurnard scorpionfishes Hagfishes Hakes and burbots Halfbeaks Halfmoons Halftooths Halosaurs Hammerhead, bonnethead, or scoophead sharks Hammerjaws Handfishes Hatchet characins Hawkfishes Headstanders Headstanders Herrings, shads, sardines, menhadens Hillstream loaches Hingemouths Horsefishes Houndsharks Icefishes or noodlefishes Imperial catfishes Indian cave catfishes Indo-Pacific duckbills Infantfishes Internally fertilized halfbeaks Isonids Jacks and pompanos Jawfishes Jellynose fishes Jutjaws Kelpfishes Killifishes Kissing gouramies Knifejaws Labrisomids Lancetfishes Lantern sharks Lanternbellies, temperate ocean-basses Lanterneye fishes Lanternfishes Large-tooth flounders Largescale deep-sea lizardfishes Lates perches Leaffishes Lefteye flounders Leftvents Lightfishes Livebearing brotulas Lizardfishes Loach catfishes Loach gobies Long-finned pike Long-whiskered catfishes Longfin escolars Longfin frogfishes Longfin loaches Longfin sculpins Longneck eels Longnose chimaeras Lookdown dories Lophichthyid frogfishes Louvar Luminous hakes Lumpfishes Lutefishes Mackerel sharks or white shark Mackerels, tunas, bonitos Madagascar rainbowfishes Manefishes Marblefishes Marine hatchetfishes Medusafishes Megamouth sharks Melanonids Merluccid hakes Middle American killifishes Milkfish Minnows Minnows or carps Mojarras Molas or Ocean Sunfishes Monkeyfaces Mooneyes Moonfish Moonyfishes or fingerfishes Moorish idol Moray eels Morid cods Morwongs Mountain carps Mountain catfishes Mountain minnows Muck fishes Mud eels Mudminnows Mudperches Mudskippers Mullets Naked sucker-mouth catfishes Naked-back knifefishes Needlefishes Neotropical silversides New Zealand smelts Nibblers North American freshwater catfishes Northern lampreys Numbfishes Nurse sharks Nurseryfishes Oarfishes Ocean sleepers Oceanic basslets Oldwife Onejaws Opahs Oreos Oriental killifishes Pacific eagle rays Paddlefishes Painted basslets Panrays Paperbones or waryfishes Parazen Parrotfishes Patagonian blennies Pearl perches Pearleyes Pearlfishes Pencil or parasitic catfishes Pencil smelts Pencilfishes Peppered flounders Perches Phycid hakes Pike congers Pike-, tube- and flagblennies Pike-characids Pikes Pinecone fishes Pipefishes and seahorses Piranhas and pacus Pirate perches Plownose chimaeras Poachers Poeciliids Pointface loaches Pomfrets Porcupinefishes (burrfishes) Porgies Priapiumfishes Pricklebacks Pricklefishes Pricklenose silversides Prickly Seadevils Pristigasterids Protoanguillids Prowfish Psettodids Puffers Pupfishes Pygmy skates Pygmy sunfishes Quillfish Rabbitfishes Racehorses or pigfishes Ragfish Ragged-tooth sharks Rainbowfishes, blue eyes Rattails Red velvetfish Redmouth whalefishes Remo flounders Remoras Requiem sharks Ribbonfishes Ricefishes Righteye flounders River loaches River sprats River stingrays Rivulines Rockfishes, rockcods and thornyheads Rocklings Ronquils Roosterfish Rough sharks Round herrings Round rays Roundheads Rovers Sabertooth fishes Sablefishes Sailfin silversides Salamanderfishes Salmonids Sand darters Sand diving lizardfishes Sand eel Sand knifefishes Sand lances Sand stargazers Sand tiger sharks Sand whiffs Sandburrowers Sanddivers Sandfishes Sandperches Sauries Saw sharks Sawfishes Sawtooth eels Scats Schilbid catfishes Scorpionfishes or rockfishes Scrapetooths Sculpins Sea basses: groupers and fairy basslets Sea catfishes Sea chubs Sea toads o coffinfishes Seamoths Searobins Shads and Sardines Shark catfishes Sheatfishes Shellears Shellskin alfonsinos Short-tail eels Shortnose chimaeras or ratfishes Sicklefishes Silversides Sisorid catfishes Sixgill stingrays Skates Sleeper rays Sleeper sharks Sleeper sharks Slickheads Slimeheads Slimys, slipmouths, or ponyfishes Slope dragonets Slopefishes Small round herrings Smallscale pike characins Smelt-whitings Smelts Smooth skates Snailfishes Snake eels Snake loaches Snake mackerels Snakeheads Snaketooth fishes Snappers Snipe eels Snipe eels Snipefishes and shrimpfishes Snooks Soapfishes Softnose skates Soles South American darters South Pacific flounders Southern basses Southern flounders Southern lampreys Southern sandfishes Southern topeyed lampreys Spadefishes, batfishes and scats Spikefishes Spine killifishes Spined loaches Spineless eels Spiny dwarf catfishes Spiny eels Spiny plunderfishes Spiny-scale pricklefishes Spinyfins Splendid perches Splitfin ocean-basses Splitfins Square-head loaches Squarehead or angler catfish Squaretails Squeakers or upside-down catfishes Squirrelfishes, soldierfishes Starfingered frogfishes Stargazers Sticklebacks and tubesnouts Stinger flatheads Stingrays Stonefishes Stream catfishes Stripeys Sturgeons Suckers Sunfishes Surf sardines Surfperches Surgeonfishes, tangs, unicornfishes Swallowers Swamp-eels Sweepers Swordfish Tadpole fishes Tapertails Tarpons Telescopefishes Temperate basses Temperate ocean-basses Temperate perches Tenches Tenpounders Thornfishes Thorny catfishes Threadfin breams, Whiptail breams Threadfins Three-barbeled catfishes Three-toothed puffer Thresher sharks Tiger sharks Tilefishes Tiny carps Tiny danios Toadfishes Tonguefishes Toothcarps Toothed seadevils Toothless characins Topminnows and killifishes Torrent catfishes Torrentfish Trahiras Triggerfishes Triplefin blennies Triplespines Tripletails Trout-perches Trumpeters Trumpetfishes Tube-eyes or thread-tails Tubeshoulders Tubesnouts Tucanfishes Turbots Tusked silversides Vaonas Velifers Velvet catfishes Velvet catfishes Velvet whalefishes Velvetfishes Viviparous brotula Warty Seadevils Waryfishes Wasp fishes Wasp scorpionfishes Weasel sharks Wedgefishes Weeverfishes Whale catfishes Whale shark Whipnose anglers Whitenose pigfishes Wolf herring Wolffishes Wolftrap anglers (Ref. 7463), Wolftrap Seadevils (Ref. 86949) Worm or spaghetti eels Wormfishes Wrasses Wreckfishes Wrymouths Zebra sharks
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फिशबेस Froese, R. and D. Pauly. Editors. 2024. FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. www.fishbase.org, version (10/2024).
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