Family Cheimarrichthyidae - Torrentfish
Order : Perciformes/Uranoscopoidei Cheimarrichthyidae
Class : Teleostei
No. in FishBase : Genera : 1 | Species : 1 Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
Environment : Fresh : Yes | Brackish : Yes | Marine : Yes
Division : Marine
Aquarium :
First Fossil Record :      
Remark : Family Cheimarrhichthyidae is a monotypic family consisting of Cheimarrichthys fosteri which is found in fast-flowing rivers thoughout coastal New Zealand. It is called a torrentfish for it lives in tumbling white waters usually in large rivers with gravel and boulders and a broad bed. Such rivers are unstable, their beds shift during floods. Much of this habitat is difficult to reach that torrentfish are not easily observed and relatively little is known about them. The species may reach an elevation of 700 meters and penetrate 300 kilometers inland from the coast. The fish has a heavy body and broad head that is flattened on the ventral surface. The depressed head, its flattened ventral surface, combined with the broad pectoral and pelvic fins are hydrodynamically attuned to the swift-flowing currents. Dorsal fin with 3 or 4 short, isolated spines preceeding the long, low soft dorsal fin. The anal fin with 1 spine and 15 soft rays. The pelvic fins are under the head, anterior to the broad pectoral fins. The caudal fin is slightly forked. The mouth is small and non protractile, the snout overhangs the lower jaw. A lateral line is present with about 50scales along its length. Maximum total length is about 16 cm, most specimens are about 10 - 12.5 cm. Apparently spawns in the spring and has a marine larval stage, but the actual spawning site is unknown. Juveniles enter fresh water in spring and spend the rest of their lives there. Feeds on aquatic insects. The subterminal mouth is very effective for grazing invertebrates from rock surfaces.
Etymology :
Reproductive guild :
Typical activity level :
Main Ref. : Berra, T. 2001
Coordinator :
Deep Fin Classification : Osteichthyes | Actinopterygii | Actinopteri | Neopterygii | Teleostei | Osteoglossocephalai | Clupeocephala | Euteleosteomorpha | Neoteleostei | Eurypterygia | Ctenosquamata | Acanthomorphata | Acanthopterygii | Percomorphaceae | Eupercaria | | | Uranoscopiformes | | | Cheimarrichthyidae

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[ e.g. 9948 ]
[ e.g. oophagy ]

Species/Synonymy list for the family Cheimarrichthyidae as currently in FishBase

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Rather, it reflects the current content of FishBase, and the progress with respect to synchronization with the Catalog of Fishes. However, we think it can be useful for users to assess the quality of information in FishBase, to start new work on the family, or to cross-check with other lists.

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Unless it is explicitly precised, the list is not complete, please search all original names published for the family in the Catalog of Fishes (genera, species), including those with uncertain or unknown status, that are not included in FishBase when they are not attached to a valid species.

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php script by celloran, 04/03/10, last modified by cmilitante, 29/11/12