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Isistius brasiliensis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824)

Cookie cutter shark
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Image of Isistius brasiliensis (Cookie cutter shark)
Isistius brasiliensis
Female picture by Harris, M.

分類 / Names 俗名 | 同種異名 | Catalog of Fishes(, ) | ITIS | CoL | WoRMS | Cloffa

Elasmobranchii 板鰓亞綱 (鯊魚與魟魚) (sharks and rays) > Squaliformes (Sleeper and dogfish sharks) 角鯊目 (Sleeper and dogfish sharks) > Dalatiidae (Sleeper sharks) 鎧鯊科 (Sleeper sharks)
Etymology: Isistius: Etymology not explained, probably iso-, from isos (Gr.), equal; istius, from histion (Gr.), sail (i.e., dorsal fin), referring to its two similarly shaped and sized (and posterior) dorsal fins, a character Gill used to diagnose genus. José I. Castro, The Sharks of North America (Oxford University Press, 2011), suggests name may allude to the Egyptian goddess Isis, represented in statuary with her head veiled, or to the dark collar encircling throat of I. brasiliensis, “which could also suggest a veil over the head” (p. 145). This interpretation is rejected by the fact that Gill often used “istius” in the names of several genera distinguished (at least in part) by their dorsal fins (Acanthistius, Brachyistius, Caristius, Dichistius, Goniistius, Iniistius, Micromesistius, Nematistius) (See ETYFish)brasiliensis: -ensis, Latin suffix denoting place: off the coast of Brazil, type locality (See ETYFish).
More on authors: Quoy & Gaimard.

Environment: milieu / climate zone / depth range / distribution range 生態學

海洋 深海區的; 海洋洄游的 (Ref. 51243); 深度上下限 0 - 3700 m (Ref. 55584), usually 0 - 1000 m (Ref. 89423). 深水域; 35°N - 47°S, 180°W - 180°E

分布 國家 | FAO區域 | 生態系 | 發現紀錄 | Point map | 簡介 | Faunafri

Western Atlantic: Bahamas and southern Brazil. Eastern Atlantic: Cape Verde, Guinea to Sierra Leone, southern Angola and South Africa, including Ascension Island. Indo-Pacific: Mauritius to New Guinea, Lord Howe Island, and New Zealand (Ref. 26346), north to Japan and east to the Hawaiian Islands. Eastern Pacific: Easter Island (Ref. 9068) and the Galapagos.
西大西洋: 巴哈馬與巴西南部。 東大西洋: 維德角,幾內亞到獅子山,安哥拉南部與南非, 包括阿森松島。 印度-太平洋: 模里西斯到新幾內亞,羅得豪島與紐西蘭 (參考文獻 26346), 北至日本而且東至夏威夷群島。 東太平洋: 復活島 (參考文獻 9068) 與加拉巴哥島。

Length at first maturity / 大小 / 重量 / 年齡

Maturity: Lm 41.0, range 38 - 44 cm
Max length : 42.0 cm TL 雄魚/尚未辨別雌雄; (Ref. 48844); 56.0 cm TL (female)

簡短描述 檢索表 | 型態特徵 | 形態測量圖

背棘 (總數) : 0; 臀棘: 0; 脊椎骨: 81 - 89. The cookiecutter shark Isistius brasiliensis is distinctive for the prominent dark collar marking around its throat, large nearly symmetrical caudal fin with a long ventral lobe over 2/3 length of dorsal caudal margin, and moderately large lower teeth in 25-32 rows. Eyes set anterior of head but sufficiently far back to lack an extensive anterior binocular field. Pectoral fins subquadrate; pelvic fins larger than dorsal fins (Ref.247). Tooth count: 30-37/25-31. Vertebral count: 81-89. Spiral valve count: 8-10 (Ref. 48844). Dark brown dorsally, paler ventrally except for blackish band across throat; tips of caudal lobe blackish (Ref. 6577). As with the other member of the genus Isistius , it has a characteristic small cigar-shaped body with two small close-set spineless dorsal fins far posterior on back, no anal fin, huge, triangular-cusped teeth without blades, short, bulbous snout and a unique suctorial lips (Ref. 247).
雪茄鯊 雪茄鮫〔Isistius brasiliensis〕 特徵為它的咽喉的周圍突出的黑環紋, 大的幾乎對稱在 25-32 列中尾鰭有後背側緣的長腹超過 2/3 的葉長度 , 與普通大的下顎齒。 眼睛位於前面的頭部但是充份遠在背上缺乏一個廣闊的前方雙眼的視野。 胸鰭子方骨; 腹鰭大於背鰭.(參考文獻 247) 牙齒數目: 30-37/25-31. 脊椎骨數: 81-89. 螺旋瓣數目: 8-10.(參考文獻 48844) 背部深褐色, 腹側灰白的除了越過咽喉的黑色條紋; 尾葉的頂端黑色的.(參考文獻 6577) 與本屬 Isistius 的另一個成員相較 , 它有一個特殊的小雪茄-形狀的身體有二小的靠攏在一起無棘的背鰭在背上極後端又沒有臀鰭, 極大的﹐三角形沒有葉片的尖牙﹐和短又凸起的吻與一個獨特的吸吮式嘴唇.(參考文獻 247)

生物學特性     字彙 (例如 epibenthic)

Oceanic species (Ref. 247). Epi- to bathypelagic at 1-3500 m (Ref. 58302). Makes diurnal vertical migrations from below 1,000 m in the day to or near the surface at night (Ref. 6871, 58302). Travels long vertical distances in excess of 2,000 to 3,000 m on a diel cycle (Ref. 247). Feeds free-living deepwater prey such as large squid, gonostomatids, crustaceans but is also a facultative ectoparasite on larger pelagic animals such as wahoo, tuna, billfishes, and cetaceans (Ref. 247). Ovoviviparous (Ref. 205), with 6-12 young per litter (Ref. 48844). The cookiecutter shark has specialized suctorial lips and a strongly modified pharynx that allow it to attach to the sides of it prey (Ref. 247). It then drives its saw-like lower dentition into the skin and flesh of its victim, twists about to cut out a conical plug of flesh, then pull free with the plug cradled by its scoop-like lower jaw and held by the hook-like upper teeth (Ref. 247). Teeth are shed as a complete unit; the lower teeth are swallowed, perhaps to maintain sufficient calcium levels in its body (Ref. 247). Interconnection at the bases of individual tooth allows a whole row of teeth to move if one tooth is touched. This shark is reported to radiate light for as long as three hours after its death. Not dangerous to people because of its small size and habitat preferences (Ref. 247).

大洋性魚種.(參考文獻 247) Epi- 對底棲大洋性在 1-3500 公尺.(參考文獻 58302) 作每日垂直迴游從下方在白天的 1,000 公尺到或晚上接近水表面處.(參考文獻 6871,58302) 在一個日週期性的周期上移動超過 2,000 到 3,000 公尺的長垂直的距離。 (參考文獻 247) 為食獨立生存的深水獵物例如大的烏賊,鑽光魚, 甲殼動物但是也是一個在比較大的大洋性的動物上的官能性體外寄生動物例如刺鱍,鮪魚,青旗魚與鯨類.(參考文獻 247) 卵胎生的 (參考文獻 205), 6-12個幼魚每胎.(參考文獻 48844) 雪茄鯊已經特殊化吸吮式嘴唇與一個讓它吸附到獵物的體側的強化的咽喉。 (參考文獻 247) 它然後進入皮膚與它的受害者的肉之內駕駛它的像鋸子一樣下顎齒,扭曲到處剪下一個肉的錐形栓塞, 然後用它的像鏟子一樣的下頜以栓子的支架拉住而且維持藉由鉤狀的上顎齒.(參考文獻 247) 齒被流出作為一個完全的單位; 下面的齒被吞, 也許在它的身體維持充份的鈣水平.(參考文獻 247) 如果一個牙齒是,連結在個別牙齒的牙根讓齒的整個列移動接觸。 這一隻鯊魚被報告達長達三小時在它的死亡之後發光。 沒有危險性對人由於它的體型小與棲息地偏愛.(參考文獻 247)

Life cycle and mating behavior 成熟度 | 繁殖 | 產卵場 | | 孕卵數 | 仔魚

Presumably ovoviviparous; 6 or 7 large eggs have been found in ovaries (Ref. 247). Distinct pairing with embrace (Ref. 205). Viviparous, without a yolk sac placenta, 6-12 young per litter. Males mature at about 36 cm, with a maximum length of 42 cm; females mature at 39 cm, with a maximum length of 56 cm. Size at birth is unknown. (Ref. 48844).西大西洋: 巴哈馬與巴西南部。 東大西洋: 維德角,幾內亞到獅子山,安哥拉南部與南非, 包括阿森松島。 印度-太平洋: 模里西斯到新幾內亞,羅得豪島與紐西蘭 (參考文獻 26346), 北至日本而且東至夏威夷群島。 東太平洋: 復活島 (參考文獻 9068) 與加拉巴哥島。

主要參考資料 Upload your references | 參考文獻 | 合作者 : Compagno, Leonard J.V. | 合作者

Compagno, L.J.V., 1984. FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 4. Sharks of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of shark species known to date. Part 1 - Hexanchiformes to Lamniformes. FAO Fish. Synop. 125(4/1):1-249. Rome, FAO. (Ref. 247)

IUCN 瀕危狀態 (Ref. 130435: Version 2024-2)

  無危 (LC) ; Date assessed: 04 July 2017


Not Evaluated

CMS (Ref. 116361)

Not Evaluated


  無害處的 (Ref. 247)


漁業: 低經濟
FAO - Publication: search | FishSource |


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Maturity/Gills rel.
Spawning aggregations

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Human related
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Estimates based on models

Preferred temperature (Ref. 123201): 3.1 - 9.7, mean 4.8 °C (based on 2327 cells).
Phylogenetic diversity index (Ref. 82804):  PD50 = 0.7520   [Uniqueness, from 0.5 = low to 2.0 = high].
Bayesian length-weight: a=0.00309 (0.00142 - 0.00675), b=3.14 (2.94 - 3.34), in cm total length, based on LWR estimates for this (Sub)family-body shape (Ref. 93245).
營養階層 (Ref. 69278):  4.3   ±0.3 se; based on diet studies.
回復力 (Ref. 120179):  非常低的, 最小族群倍增時間超過14 年 (Fec = 6).
Fishing Vulnerability (Ref. 59153):  Moderate vulnerability (42 of 100).
價格種類 (Ref. 80766):   Unknown.