Videos for Pterois volitans
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Title: Pterois volitans (Red lionfish)
Country: Germany, Fed. Rep.
Description: "Dancing" in free water, Sharm El Sheik, 2001
Uploader: Dr. Jörg Vierke
Country: Fiji Islands
Uploader: Undersea Productions
Country: Kingdom of Tonga
Uploader: Undersea Productions
Country: Australia
Uploader: Undersea Productions
Country: Papua New Guinea PNG
Uploader: Undersea Productions
Country: Vanuatu
Uploader: Undersea Productions
Country: Solomon Islands
Uploader: Undersea Productions
Country: Indonesia
Uploader: Undersea Productions
Country: Fiji
Description: Scuba Diver With Underwater Camera Watches Red Lionfish (Common Lionfish), Pterois Volitans.
Uploader: NatureFootage

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