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Etheostoma blennioides Rafinesque, 1819

Greenside darter
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Image of Etheostoma blennioides (Greenside darter)
Etheostoma blennioides
Picture by Crippen, C.

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> Perciformes/Percoidei (Perchs) > Percidae (Perches) > Etheostomatinae
Etymology: Etheostoma: Greek, etheo = to strain + Greek, stoma = mouth; Rafinesque said "various mouths", but Jordan and Evermann suggest the name might have been intended as "Heterostoma (Ref. 45335)blennioides: blennioides meaning blenny-like (Ref. 10294).
More on author: Rafinesque.

Environment: milieu / climate zone / depth range / distribution range экология

; пресноводный донно-пелагический. Temperate; 4°C - 18°C (Ref. 2059); 43°N - 34°N

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North America: Great Lakes and Mississippi River basins from New York and Maryland to eastern Kansas and Oklahoma in the USA, and from Ontario in Canada south to Georgia, Alabama and Arkansas in the USA; and Atlantic Slope in Mohawk, Susquehanna and Potomac drainages in New York and Virginia, USA.

Size / Вес / Возраст

Maturity: Lm ?  range ? - ? cm
Max length : 17.0 cm TL самец/пол неопределен; (Ref. 5723); common length : 5.5 cm TL самец/пол неопределен; (Ref. 12193); наибольший возраст (опубликованны данные): 5 годы (Ref. 12193)

биология     глоссарий (например epibenthic)

Inhabit rocky riffles of creeks and small to medium rivers, and shores of large lakes (Ref. 5723, 10294). Juveniles feed on midge larvae and microcrustaceans; adults consume midge larvae, blackfly larvae, and other immature aquatic insects, primarily mayflies and caddisflies (Ref. 10294). Distinct pairing during breeding (Ref. 36980). Eggs are found attached to the substrate unguarded (Ref. 7043).

Life cycle and mating behavior половая зрелость | размножение | нерест | икра | Fecundity | личинки

Distinct pairing during breeding (Ref. 36980). Eggs are found attached to the substrate abandoned (Ref. 7043).

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Page, L.M. and B.M. Burr, 1991. A field guide to freshwater fishes of North America north of Mexico. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston. 432 p. (Ref. 5723)

Статус Красного Списка МСОП (Ref. 130435: Version 2024-2)

  Не вызывающий беспокойства (LC) ; Date assessed: 06 December 2011


Not Evaluated

CMS (Ref. 116361)

Not Evaluated

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Estimates based on models

Phylogenetic diversity index (Ref. 82804):  PD50 = 0.5000   [Uniqueness, from 0.5 = low to 2.0 = high].
Bayesian length-weight: a=0.00741 (0.00426 - 0.01291), b=3.14 (2.99 - 3.29), in cm total length, based on LWR estimates for this species & Genus-body shape (Ref. 93245).
Trophic level (Ref. 69278):  3.4   ±0.45 se; based on food items.
устойчивость к внешним воздействиям (Ref. 120179):  средний (среднего размера), минимальное время удвоения популяции 1.4-4.4 года (tmax=5; Fec=404-1,832).
Fishing Vulnerability (Ref. 59153):  Low vulnerability (10 of 100).