Atheriniformes (Silversides) >
Atherinidae (Silversides) > Atherininae
Etymology: Atherina: Greek, atherina, the Greek name for the eperlane; 1770 (Ref. 45335).
More on author: Cuvier.
Environment: milieu / climate zone / depth range / distribution range
ສັດທະເລ; ນ້ຳກ່ອຍ; ປາທີ່ມີການເຄື່ອນຍ້າຍໃນສະເພາະມາະຫາສະມຸດ (Ref. 51243); ລະດັບຄວາມເລິກ 1 - 10 m (Ref. 55871). Subtropical; 60°N - 14°N, 26°W - 17°E
Eastern Atlantic: Kattegat (rare) and British Isles to Canary Islands, Mauritania and Cape Verde, also western Mediterranean.
ຂະໜາດ / ນ້ຳໜັກ / Age
Maturity: Lm ?  range ? - ? cm
Max length : 20.0 cm TL ຕົວຜູ້/ບໍ່ມີເພດ; (Ref. 30578); ອາຍຸສູງສຸດທີ່ເຄຍລາຍງານມາ: 4 ປີ (Ref. 232)
ຄີ (ໜາມ)ແຂງຢູ່ຫຼັງປາ (ທັງໝົດ) : 7 - 9; ຄີຫຼັງຂອງປາ (ຄີອ່ອນ) (ທັງໝົດ) : 11 - 14; ຄີ(ໜາມ) ແຂງຢູ່ຄີກົ້ນປາ
ປາທີ່ມີການເຄື່ອນຍ້າຍຈາກທະເລໄປຫານ້ຳຈືດ ແລະນ້ຳຈືດຫາທະເລ
ການຖ່າຍທອດທາງກຳມະພັນຈາກພໍ່ແມ່ຫາລູກ: 1; ຄີກົ້ນຂອງປາ: 14 - 17. Scales in longitudinal series 52-57. Vertebrae 46-52 (Morocco), 49-52 (the Netherlands). No pyloric appendages. A large, characteristic, brilliant silvery stripe running along flanks from head to tail, often outlined in black. No true lateral line (Ref. 232). Eye diameter same with snout length (Ref. 35388).
Small pelagic fishes in coastal areas and estuaries. Schooling, seasonal migrations in the Atlantic. Feeds on carnivorous small crustaceans and fish larvae (Ref. 5980). Reproduces in spring and summer (Ref. 30578).
Life cycle and mating behavior
ການຈະເລີນເຕັມໄວ | ການສືບພັນ | ການວາງໄຂ່ | ໄຂ່ | ຄວາມດົກຂອງໄຂ່ປາ | ຕົວອ່ອນ
Spawning occurs in midsummer in English Channel and North Sea.
Maugé, L.A., 1990. Atherinidae. p. 604-605. In J.C. Quero, J.C. Hureau, C. Karrer, A. Post and L. Saldanha (eds.) Check-list of the fishes of the eastern tropical Atlantic (CLOFETA). JNICT, Lisbon; SEI, Paris; and UNESCO, Paris. Vol. 2. (Ref. 4499)
IUCN Red List Status (Ref. 130435: Version 2024-2)
Threat to humans
Human uses
ການປະມົງ: ການປະມົງແບບກຸ້ມຕົນເອງ; ຊະນິດປາທີ່ຖືກນຳໃຊ້ເຂົ້າໃນການຫາເພື່ອເປັນເກມກິລາ: ແມ່ນ
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Estimates based on models
Preferred temperature (Ref.
123201): 9.2 - 20.3, mean 11.5 °C (based on 348 cells).
Phylogenetic diversity index (Ref.
82804): PD
50 = 0.5312 [Uniqueness, from 0.5 = low to 2.0 = high].
Bayesian length-weight: a=0.00537 (0.00343 - 0.00840), b=3.11 (2.98 - 3.24), in cm total length, based on LWR estimates for this species & (Sub)family-body (Ref.
ຊັ້ນເຂດຮ້ອນ (Ref.
69278): 3.7 ±0.43 se; based on food items.
ຄວາມຢືດຢຸ່ນ (Ref.
120179): ສູງ, ປະຊາກອນຕຳ່ສຸດທີ່ໃຊ້ເວລາສອງໜ້ອຍກວ່າ 15 ເດືອນ (K=0.70; tmax=4).
Prior r = 1.00, 95% CL = 0.66 - 1.50, Based on 1 data-limited stock assessment.
Fishing Vulnerability (Ref.
59153): Low vulnerability (20 of 100).
Climate Vulnerability (Ref.
125649): Low to moderate vulnerability (30 of 100).
Nutrients (Ref.
124155): Calcium = 171 [101, 345] mg/100g; Iron = 1.8 [1.1, 2.9] mg/100g; Protein = 21 [19, 23] %; Omega3 = 0.412 [0.191, 0.888] g/100g; Selenium = 12.8 [5.9, 27.4] μg/100g; VitaminA = 25.1 [9.8, 65.9] μg/100g; Zinc = 1.19 [0.83, 1.72] mg/100g (wet weight);