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Procottus gurwicii (Taliev, 1946)

Dwarf sculpins
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Image of Procottus gurwicii (Dwarf sculpins)
Procottus gurwicii
Male picture by Sideleva, V.G.

التصنيف / Names الأسماء الشائعة | مرادفات | Catalog of Fishes(جنس, الانواع) | ITIS | CoL | WoRMS | Cloffa

> Perciformes/Cottoidei (Sculpins) > Cottidae (Sculpins)
Etymology: Procottus: Greek, pro = first, in front of + greek, kottos = a fish (Ref. 45335).
Eponymy: Georgi (Yuri) Semenovich Gurvich (d: 1906) was a Russian hydro-biologist and benthologist. [...] (Ref. 128868), visit book page.

Environment: milieu / climate zone / depth range / distribution range البيئة

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