Классификация / Names
народные названия | синонимы | Catalog of Fishes(род, виды) | ITIS | CoL | WoRMS | Cloffa
Perciformes/Zoarcoidei (Eelpouts and pricklebacks) >
Stichaeidae (Pricklebacks) > Stichaeinae
Etymology: Stichaeopsis: Greek, stix, -ichos = row + Greek, opsis = appearance (Ref. 45335).
Eponymy: Admiral Gennady Ivanovich Nevelsky (1813–1876) was a Russian navigator who led an expedition to the Russian Far East (1849–1855), exploring Sakhalin and the Amur River delta and establishing a settlement there. [...] (Ref. 128868), visit book page.
Environment: milieu / climate zone / depth range / distribution range
морской демерсальный; пределы глубины 15 - 125 m (Ref. 50550). Polar
Northwest Pacific: northern and western Okhotsk Sea and northern Japan Sea in Tatar Strait.
Size / Вес / Возраст
Maturity: Lm ?  range ? - ? cm
Life cycle and mating behavior
половая зрелость | размножение | нерест | икра | Fecundity | личинки
Sokolovskaya, T.G., A.S. Sokolovskii and E.I. Sobolevskii, 1998. A list of fishes of Peter the Great Bay (the Sea of Japan). J. Ichthyol. 38(1):1-11. (Ref. 27683)
Статус Красного Списка МСОП (Ref. 130435: Version 2024-2)
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