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Cynolebias parnaibensis Costa, Ramos, Alexandre & Ramos, 2010

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klasifikasi / Names Nama-nama umum | Sinonim (persamaan) | Catalog of Fishes(Marga, Jenis) | ITIS | CoL | WoRMS | Cloffa

> Cyprinodontiformes (Rivulines, killifishes and live bearers) > Rivulidae (Rivulines) > Cynolebiinae
Etymology: Cynolebias: Greek, kyon = dog + Greek, odous = teeth + Greek, lebias = a kind of small fish (Ref. 45335)parnaibensis: Named for its unique occurrence in the Parnaíba River basin.
More on authors: Costa, Ramos, Alexandre & Ramos.

Environment: milieu / climate zone / depth range / distribution range Ekologi

; air tawar pelagis, permukaan; kisaran kedalaman 0 - 1 m (Ref. 84460). Tropical; 8°S - 9°S, 41°W - 42°W

Penyebaran Negara-negara | Daerah-daerah FAO | Ecosystems | Kemunculan | Point map | Introduksi | Faunafri

South America: Brazil.

Size / Weight / umur

Maturity: Lm ?  range ? - ? cm
Max length : 5.5 cm SL jantan/; (Ref. 84460)

deskripsi pendek Kunci identifiaksi (pengenalan) | Morfologi | Morfometrik

Cynolebias parnaibensis is distinguished from all other species of the genus, except C. griseus and C. gilbertoi, by having 27-31 neuromasts around eye (vs. 33-46). The new species differs from C. griseus by having 29-33 supraorbital neuromasts (vs. 19-22), 16-18 dorsal-fin rays and 19 anal-fin rays in males (vs. 20-22 and 21-23, respectively), 28-31 caudalfin rays (vs. 33-34), 6 pelvic-fin rays (vs. 5), dorsal-fin origin at a vertical between the base of the 4th or 6th anal-fin ray (vs. base of 1st or 2nd ray), 33-36 scales in the longitudinal series (vs. 29-31), 3+10 gill-rakers in the first branchial arch (vs. 5+15), absence of second pharyngobranchial teeth (vs. presence), absence of the ventral uncinate process of the second epibranchial (vs. presence), absence of the ventral limb of the posttemporal (vs. presence), and absence of contact organs on the flank scales in both sexes (vs. presence in males). From C. gilbertoi it differs by having 34-35 vertebrae (vs. 32-33), and by the absence of teeth on vomer (vs. 13-15 vomerine teeth). Cynolebias parnaibensis is also distinguished from C. griseus, C. gilbertoi, C. microphthalmus sverse series of scales on the anal-fin base (vs. absence) (Ref. 84460).

Biologi     Daftar kata (contoh epibenthic)

The type locality of this species is inserted in the Caatinga domain, a semi-arid phytogeographic formation, typical of northeastern Brazil; the lagoon is within the Canindé River drainage, which is part of the Parnaíba River basin. It was about 60 m long, 15 m wide, maximum depth 1 m, average depth 50 cm; water is turbid, light brown, and the bottom was sandy-muddy; emerging aquatic vegetation in moderate amount, scattered over the lagoon surface, while large amount of submerged vegetation was found, the predominant species of the family Hydrocharitaceae. Margins of the pond were in part densely covered by bushes and low vegetation (Ref. 84460).

Life cycle and mating behavior Kematangan | Reproduksi, perkembang biakan | Pemijahan | telur-telur | Fecundity | Larva

rujukan utama Upload your references | Acuan | Koordinator : Costa, Wilson J.E.M. | mitra

Costa, W.J.E.M., T.P.A. Ramos, Alexandre L.C. and R.T.C. Ramos, 2010. Cynolebias parnaibensis, a new seasonal killifish from the Caatinga, Parnaíba River basin, northeastern Brazil, with notes on sound producing courtship behavior (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae). Neotrop. Ichthyol. 8(2):283-288. (Ref. 84460)

Status IUCN Red List (Ref. 130435: Version 2024-2)

  kekurangan data (DD) ; Date assessed: 07 November 2018


Not Evaluated

CMS (Ref. 116361)

Not Evaluated

ancaman kepada manusia


penggunaan manusia

Perikanan: tidak ada kepentingan
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informasi lanjut

Trophic ecology
Bahan makanan
Komposisi makanan
Konsumsi makanan
Food rations
Population dynamics
Growth parameters
Max. ages / sizes
Length-weight rel.
Length-length rel.
ukuran frekuensi
Mass conversion
Life cycle
Reproduksi, perkembang biakan
Maturity/Gills rel.
Spawning aggregations
pekembangan telor
Dinamika larva
Daerah-daerah FAO
BRUVS - Videos
Area insang
Body composition
Oxygen consumption
Swimming type
Swimming speed
Visual pigments
Fish sound
Diseases & Parasites
Toxicity (LC50s)
Human related
Aquaculture systems
profil budidaya air
Ciguatera cases
Stamps, coins, misc.
Nama-nama umum
Sinonim (persamaan)

Alat, peralatan

laporan khas

muat turun XML

Sumber internet

AFORO (otoliths) | Aquatic Commons | BHL | Cloffa | BOLDSystems | Websites from users | semak peneliti ikan | CISTI | Catalog of Fishes: Marga, Jenis | DiscoverLife | ECOTOX | FAO - Publication: search | Faunafri | Fishipedia | Fishtrace | GenBank: genom, Nukleotida | GloBI | Google Books | Google Scholar | Google | IGFA World Record | MitoFish | Otolith Atlas of Taiwan Fishes | PubMed | Reef Life Survey | Socotra Atlas | Tree of Life | Wikipedia: pergi, Cari | World Records Freshwater Fishing | Zoobank | Zoological Record

Estimates based on models

Phylogenetic diversity index (Ref. 82804):  PD50 = 0.5000   [Uniqueness, from 0.5 = low to 2.0 = high].
Bayesian length-weight: a=0.00891 (0.00396 - 0.02008), b=3.14 (2.94 - 3.34), in cm total length, based on LWR estimates for this (Sub)family-body shape (Ref. 93245).
Trophic level (Ref. 69278):  3.2   ±0.4 se; based on size and trophs of closest relatives
Fishing Vulnerability (Ref. 59153):  Low vulnerability (10 of 100).