Kneria auriculata
[occurrence summary] |
1971 |
Kneria auriculata
[occurrence summary] |
1971 |
Kneria auriculata
[occurrence summary] |
Kneria auriculata
[occurrence summary] |
1969 |
Kneria auriculata
[occurrence summary] |
1964 |
Kneria auriculata
riv. Revue, Marica alt:800m |
Labeo altivelis
[occurrence summary] |
1963 |
Labeo altivelis
[occurrence summary] |
1972 |
Labeo altivelis
[occurrence summary] |
1964 |
Labeo altivelis
[occurrence summary] |
1964 |
Labeo altivelis
[occurrence summary] |
1964 |
Labeo altivelis
[occurrence summary] |
1964 |
Labeo altivelis
[occurrence summary] |
1964 |
Labeo altivelis
[occurrence summary] |
1964 |
Labeo altivelis
[occurrence summary] |
1964 |
Labeo altivelis
[occurrence summary] |
1964 |
Labeo altivelis
[occurrence summary] |
1964 |
Labeo altivelis
[occurrence summary] |
1966 |
Labeo altivelis
[occurrence summary] |
1972 |
Labeo altivelis
[occurrence summary] |
1972 |
Labeo altivelis
[occurrence summary] |
1972 |
Labeo altivelis
[occurrence summary] |
1972 |
Labeo altivelis
[occurrence summary] |
1972 |
Labeo altivelis
[occurrence summary] |
1958 |
Labeo congoro
[occurrence summary] |
1964 |
Labeo congoro
[occurrence summary] |
1965 |
Labeo congoro
[occurrence summary] |
1972 |
Labeo congoro
[occurrence summary] |
1972 |
Labeo congoro
[occurrence summary] |
1964 |
Labeo congoro
[occurrence summary] |
1964 |
Labeo congoro
[occurrence summary] |
1964 |
Labeo congoro
[occurrence summary] |
1964 |
Labeo congoro
[occurrence summary] |
1972 |
Labeo congoro
[occurrence summary] |
1982 |
Labeo cylindricus
[occurrence summary] |
1965 |
Labeo cylindricus
[occurrence summary] |
1963 |
Labeo cylindricus
[occurrence summary] |
1970 |
Labeo cylindricus
[occurrence summary] |
1971 |
Labeo cylindricus
[occurrence summary] |
1966 |
Labeo cylindricus
[occurrence summary] |
1964 |
Labeo cylindricus
[occurrence summary] |
1966 |
Labeo cylindricus
lac Nyassa, côte portugaise, env. de Vila Cabral, district du Nyassa |
Eccles D.H. |
Labeo cylindricus
Punta Messuli, lac Nyassa |
Thys van den Audenaerde D. |
Labeo mesops
lac Nyassa, côte portugaise, env. de Vila Cabral, district du Nyassa |
Eccles D.H. |
Labeo mesops
lac Nyassa, côte portugaise, env. de Vila Cabral, district du Nyassa |
Eccles D.H. |
Labeo molybdinus
[occurrence summary] |
1972 |
Labeobarbus johnstonii
4 km nord de la baie de Nego, lac Nyassa |
Thys van den Audenaerde D. |
Labeobarbus johnstonii
lac Nyassa, côte portugaise, env. de Vila Cabral, district du Nyassa |
Eccles D.H. |
Labeobarbus johnstonii
lac Nyassa, côte portugaise, env. de Vila Cabral, district du Nyassa |
Eccles D.H. |
Labeobarbus marequensis
[occurrence summary] |
1986 |
Labeobarbus marequensis
[occurrence summary] |
1986 |
Labeobarbus marequensis
[occurrence summary] |
1986 |
Labeobarbus marequensis
[occurrence summary] |
1971 |
Labeobarbus marequensis
[occurrence summary] |
1971 |
Labeobarbus marequensis
[occurrence summary] |
1971 |
Labeobarbus marequensis
[occurrence summary] |
1972 |
Labeobarbus marequensis
[occurrence summary] |
1970 |
Labeobarbus marequensis
[occurrence summary] |
1964 |
Labeobarbus marequensis
[occurrence summary] |
1986 |
Labeobarbus marequensis
[occurrence summary] |
1973 |
Labeobarbus marequensis
[occurrence summary] |
1966 |
Labeobarbus marequensis
[occurrence summary] |
1965 |
Labeobarbus marequensis
[occurrence summary] |
1965 |
Labeobarbus pungweensis
[occurrence summary] |
Labeobarbus pungweensis
[occurrence summary] |
1966 |
Labeobarbus pungweensis
[occurrence summary] |
1973 |
Labeobarbus pungweensis
[occurrence summary] |
1966 |
Labeobarbus pungweensis
[occurrence summary] |
1966 |
Labeobarbus pungweensis
[occurrence summary] |
1965 |
Labeotropheus fuelleborni
just north of Messule Point, lake Malawi (36/23) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Labeotropheus fuelleborni
lac Nyassa, côte portugaise, env. de Vila Cabral, district du Nyassa |
Eccles D.H. |
Labeotropheus fuelleborni
lac Nyassa, côte portugaise, env. de Vila Cabral, district du Nyassa |
Eccles D.H. |
Labeotropheus fuelleborni
Likwanje Reef, bay S. of Luaice riv., lake Malawi (36/48) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Labeotropheus fuelleborni
Namisse, south of Cobuè, lake Malawi (36/28) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Labeotropheus fuelleborni
Nyasa meer, kust Mozambique, ten N van 11°55'S |
De Vos L. |
Labeotropheus fuelleborni
Punta Messuli, lac Nyassa |
De Vos L. |
Labeotropheus fuelleborni
Tchulutcha Reef,in front of Metangula, lake Malawi (36/34) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Labeotropheus trewavasae
just north of Messule Point , lake Malawi (36/20) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Labeotropheus trewavasae
Mara Rocks, just N. of Mara Point, lake Malawi (36/18) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Labeotropheus trewavasae
Messule Point, just N. of, lake Malawi (36/22) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Labeotropheus trewavasae
Messule Point, just N. of, lake Malawi (36/22) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Labeotropheus trewavasae
Namisse, south of Cobuè, lake Malawi (36/28) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Labeotropheus trewavasae
Tchilouelo Point, just N. of Luaice river, lake Malawi (36/40) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Labidochromis pallidus
[occurrence summary] |
1980 |
Labidochromis textilis
just north of Messule Point, lake Malawi (36/23) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Lactoria cornuta
Küste von Mozambique |
1936 |
Lactoria cornuta
Mozambique |
1884 |
Lacustricola katangae
[occurrence summary] |
1972 |
Lacustricola katangae
[occurrence summary] |
1973 |
Lacustricola katangae
[occurrence summary] |
1969 |
Lacustricola katangae
Beira, Mozambique |
1958 |
Lampanyctus alatus
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Paxton J.R. |
Lampanyctus ater
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Paxton J.R. |
Lampanyctus lepidolychnus
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Paxton J.R. |
Lampanyctus macropterus
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Paxton J.R. |
Lampanyctus nobilis
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Paxton J.R. |
Lampanyctus turneri
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Paxton J.R. |
Lampanyctus turneri
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Paxton J.R. |
Latimeria chalumnae
24 km of small port of Pebane, north-east of Quelimane in central Mozambique |
1991 |
Lepidion natalensis
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Cohen D.M., Shcherbachev Yu.N. |
Lepidotrigla spiloptera
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Shcherbachev Yu.N. |
Leporinus boehlkei
Stream into Lago Mozambique, Rio Meta system, Colombia, ca. 3°58'N, 73°04'W. |
Lestidiops luetkeni
Mozambique Channel, 18°30'S, 42°18'E, Dana sta. 3955, ca. 150 m (500 m wire out). |
Lethrinops argenteus
Chilola bay, 2d bay N. of Cobuè, lake Malawi (33/4) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Lethrinops christyi
Chiwanga Bay, lake Malawi (33/26) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Lethrinops furcifer
Chilola bay (2), 2d bay N. of Cobwe, lake Malawi |
Ngatunga B. |
Lethrinops furcifer
Chiwanga Bay, lake Malawi (33/21) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Lethrinops leptodon
off Cobuè, lake Malawi (33/6) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Lethrinops longimanus
Chilola bay, 2d bay N. of Cobwe, lake Malawi (33/12) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Lethrinops longimanus
Chilola bay, 2d bay N. of Cobwe, lake Malawi (33/17) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Lethrinops longimanus
Chilola bay, 2d bay N. of Cobwe, lake Malawi (33/19) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Lethrinops longimanus
Chilola Bay, 2d bay N. of Cobwe, lake Malawi (33/8) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Lethrinops longimanus
Chiwanga Bay, lake Malawi (33/27) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Lethrinops longimanus
Chiwanga Bay, lake Malawi (33/27) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Lethrinops longimanus
Chiwanga bay, lake Malawi (33/32) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Lethrinops longipinnis
Chilola bay, 2d bay N. of Cobwe, lake Malawi (33/12) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Lethrinops longipinnis
Chilola bay, 2d bay N. of Cobwe, lake Malawi (33/12) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Lethrinops longipinnis
Chilola bay, 2d bay N. of Cobwe, lake Malawi (33/15) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Lethrinops macrochir
lac Nyassa, côte portugaise, env. de Vila Cabral, district du Nyassa |
Eccles D.H. |
Lethrinops marginatus
Micuio, lake Malawi |
Ngatunga B. |
Lethrinops mylodon
Chilola bay, 2d bay N. of Cobuè, lake Malawi (33/4) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Lethrinops parvidens
Chilola bay (1), 2d bay N. of Cobwe, lake Malawi |
Ngatunga B. |
Lethrinus enigmaticus
[occurrence summary] |
1989 |
Astakhov D.A. |
Liopropoma africanum
Tekomaji I., Mozambique, 10°50'S, 40°40'E. |
Lobianchia gemellarii
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Paxton J.R. |
Lophiomus setigerus
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Bertelsen E. |
Lophiomus setigerus
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Bertelsen E. |
Luciosudis normani
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Borodulina O.D. |
Malacosteus niger
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Pokhilskaya G.N. |
Malacosteus niger
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Pokhilskaya G.N. |
Malacosteus niger
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Pokhilskaya G.N. |
Malacosteus niger
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Pokhilskaya G.N. |
Malapterurus electricus
[occurrence summary] |
Malapterurus electricus
[occurrence summary] |
1971 |
Malapterurus electricus
[occurrence summary] |
1972 |
Malapterurus electricus
[occurrence summary] |
1964 |
Malapterurus electricus
[occurrence summary] |
1964 |
Malthopsis austrafricana
[occurrence summary] |
2007 |
Marcusenius macrolepidotus
[occurrence summary] |
1974 |
Marcusenius macrolepidotus
[occurrence summary] |
1964 |
Marcusenius macrolepidotus
[occurrence summary] |
1964 |
Marcusenius macrolepidotus
[occurrence summary] |
1964 |
Marcusenius macrolepidotus
[occurrence summary] |
1971 |
Mastacembelus shiranus
4 km nord de la baie de Nego, lac Nyassa |
Thys van den Audenaerde D. |
Mastacembelus shiranus
Punta Messuli, lac Nyassa |
Thys van den Audenaerde D. |
Maylandia aurora
Mara rocks, just S. of Mara Point, lake Malawi (36/15) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Maylandia aurora
Mara Rocks, just S. of Mara Point, lake Malawi (36/17) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Maylandia aurora
Mara Rocks, just S. of Mara Point, lake Malawi (36/17) |
Snoeks J. |
Maylandia aurora
Namisse, south of Cobuè, lake Malawi (36/27) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Maylandia aurora
Namisse, south of Cobuè, lake Malawi (36/28) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Maylandia estherae
Likwanje Reef, bay S. of Lucaie riv., lake Malawi (36/44) |
Snoeks J. |
Maylandia estherae
Metangula, southern part of northern bay, lake Malawi (36/33) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Maylandia estherae
Metangula, southern part of northern bay, lake Malawi (36/33) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Maylandia estherae
Minos Reef, Miluluka, lake Malawi |
Konings A. |
Maylandia estherae
Minos Reef, Miluluka, lake Malawi |
Konings A. |
Maylandia estherae
Tchulutcha Reef, in front of Metangula lake Malawi (36/35) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Maylandia estherae
Tchulutcha Reef, in front of Metangula lake Malawi (36/35) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Maylandia estherae
Tchulutcha Reef,in front of Metangula, lake Malawi (36/34) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Maylandia fainzilberi
just north of Messule Point , lake Malawi (36/20) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Maylandia fainzilberi
Messule Point, just N. of, lake Malawi (36/22) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Maylandia glaucos
Lake Malaŵi, Cobwé. |
2002 |
Maylandia mossambica
Lake Malaŵi: Chiloelo |
2002 |
Maylandia nkhunguensis
Lake Malaŵi: Nkhungu Reef. |
2006 |
Maylandia xanthos
Lake Malaŵi: Lumbaulo. |
Maylandia zebra
just north of Messule Point , lake Malawi (36/20) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Maylandia zebra
Likwanje Reef, bay S. of Luaice riv., lake Malawi (36/47) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Maylandia zebra
Likwanje Reef, bay S. of Luaice riv., lake Malawi (36/47) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Maylandia zebra
Likwanje Reef, bay S. of Luaice riv., lake Malawi (36/48) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Maylandia zebra
Likwanje Reef, bay S. of Luaice riv., lake Malawi (36/48) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Maylandia zebra
Messule Point, just N. of, lake Malawi (36/22) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Maylandia zebra
Metangula, southern part of northern bay, lake Malawi (36/33) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Maylandia zebra
Minos Reef, Miluluka, lake Malawi |
Konings A. |
Maylandia zebra
Namisse, south of Cobuè, lake Malawi (36/27) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Maylandia zebra
Namisse, south of Cobuè, lake Malawi (36/27) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Maylandia zebra
Namisse, south of Cobuè, lake Malawi (36/28) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Maylandia zebra
Tchulutcha Reef,in front of Metangula, lake Malawi (36/34) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Mchenga eucinostomus
Chiwanga Bay, lake Malawi (33/23) |
Onyengo S. |
Mchenga eucinostomus
off Cobuè, lake Malawi (33/6) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Mchenga flavimanus
Chilola bay, 2d bay N. of Cobuè, lake Malawi (33/4) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Mchenga flavimanus
just north of Messule Point , lake Malawi (36/20) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Mchenga flavimanus
off Cobuè, lake Malawi (33/6) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Megalops cyprinoides
[occurrence summary] |
1965 |
Megalops cyprinoides
[occurrence summary] |
1970 |
Megalops cyprinoides
[occurrence summary] |
1987 |
Megalops cyprinoides
[occurrence summary] |
1958 |
Melanochromis auratus
cap Nhiambo, frontière Tanzania, lac Nyasa |
De Vos L. |
Melanochromis auratus
Nyasa meer, kust Mozambique, ten N van 11°55'S |
De Vos L. |
Melanochromis melanopterus
just north of Messule Point, lake Malawi (36/23) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Melanochromis melanopterus
Namisse, south of Cobuè, lake Malawi (36/28) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Melanochromis melanopterus
Tchilouelo Point, just N. of Luaice riv., lake Malawi (36/39) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Melanochromis melanopterus
Tchulutcha Reef, in front of Metangula lake Malawi (36/30) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Melanochromis mossambiquensis
Lake Malawi, Minos Reef |
2002 |
Melanochromis mossambiquensis
Lake Malawi, Minos Reef |
2002 |
Melanochromis mossambiquensis
Lake Malawi, Minos Reef |
2002 |
Melanochromis simulans
Likwanje Reef, bay S. of Luaice riv., lake Malawi (36/47) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Melanochromis simulans
Likwanje Reef, bay S. of Lucaie riv., lake Malawi (36/44) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Melanochromis wochepa
Lake Mala.i, Lumessi |
2002 |
Melanochromis wochepa
Lake Malawi, Lumessi. |
2002 |
Melanochromis wochepa
Lake Malawi, Lumessi. |
2002 |
Mentodus rostratus
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Borodulina O.D. |
Micralestes acutidens
[occurrence summary] |
1971 |
Micralestes acutidens
[occurrence summary] |
1965 |
Micralestes acutidens
[occurrence summary] |
1973 |
Micralestes acutidens
[occurrence summary] |
1970 |
Micralestes acutidens
[occurrence summary] |
1971 |
Micralestes acutidens
[occurrence summary] |
1971 |
Micralestes acutidens
[occurrence summary] |
1971 |
Micralestes acutidens
[occurrence summary] |
1964 |
Micralestes acutidens
[occurrence summary] |
1964 |
Micralestes acutidens
[occurrence summary] |
1973 |
Micralestes acutidens
[occurrence summary] |
1966 |
Micropanchax johnstoni
[occurrence summary] |
1972 |
Micropanchax johnstoni
1968 |
Microphis brachyurus
[occurrence summary] |
1965 |
Mormyrops anguilloides
[occurrence summary] |
1964 |
Mormyrops anguilloides
[occurrence summary] |
1964 |
Mormyrops anguilloides
[occurrence summary] |
1958 |
Mormyrops anguilloides
4 km nord de la baie de Nego, lac Nyassa |
Thys van den Audenaerde D. |
Mormyrops anguilloides
Punta Messuli, lac Nyassa |
Thys van den Audenaerde D. |
Mormyrus longirostris
[occurrence summary] |
1963 |
Mormyrus longirostris
[occurrence summary] |
1972 |
Mormyrus longirostris
[occurrence summary] |
1958 |
Mormyrus longirostris
4 km nord de la baie de Nego, lac Nyassa |
Thys van den Audenaerde D. |
Mormyrus longirostris
Punta Messuli, lac Nyassa |
Thys van den Audenaerde D. |
Myctophum aurolaternatum
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Paxton J.R. |
Myctophum brachygnathum
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Paxton J.R. |
Mylochromis anaphyrmus
Chilola Bay, 2d bay N. of Cobwe, lake Malawi (33/8) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Mylochromis epichorialis
lac Nyassa, côte portugaise, env. de Vila Cabral, district du Nyassa |
Eccles D.H. |
Mylochromis formosus
Chilola Bay, 2d bay N. of Cobwe, lake Malawi (33/8) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Mylochromis gracilis
Chilola Bay, second bay N. of Cobwe, lake Malawi (33/10) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Mylochromis lateristriga
Chiwanga Bay, lake Malawi (33/21) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Mylochromis melanonotus
Chilola bay, 2d bay N. of Cobuè, lake Malawi (33/4) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Mylochromis sphaerodon
Chiwanga Bay, lake Malawi (33/26) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Mylochromis spilostichus
Chilola bay, 2d bay N. of Cobwe, lake Malawi (33/12) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Mylochromis spilostichus
Chilola bay, 2d bay N. of Cobwe, lake Malawi (33/15) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Mylochromis spilostichus
Chilola Bay, 2d bay N. of Cobwe, lake Malawi (33/8) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Mylochromis spilostichus
Chilola Bay, second bay N. of Cobwe, lake Malawi (33/10) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Mylochromis spilostichus
Chiwanga Bay, lake Malawi (33/27) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Mylochromis spilostichus
Chiwanga bay, lake Malawi (33/31) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Narcine rierai
Mozambique, 21°10'S, 35°37'E, 169-188 m. |
Nemichthys scolopaceus
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Karmovskaya E.S. |
Nemichthys scolopaceus
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Karmovskaya E.S. |
Neocyttus rhomboidalis
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Parin N.V. |
Neocyttus rhomboidalis
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Shcherbachev Yu.N. |
Neoepinnula orientalis
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Parin N.V. |
Neopomacentrus taeniurus
Inhaca I., Mozambique, 26°S, 33°E. |
Neoscopelus macrolepidotus
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Shcherbachev Yu.N. |
Nettastoma parviceps
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Karmovskaya E.S. |
Nezumia semiquincunciata
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Shcherbachev Yu.N., Anderson M |
Nimbochromis linni
Chiwanga Bay, lake Malawi (33/26) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Nimbochromis livingstonii
Chilola Bay, second bay N. of Cobwe, lake Malawi (33/10) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Nimbochromis livingstonii
Chilola Bay, second bay N. of Cobwe, lake Malawi (33/10) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Nimbochromis livingstonii
Chiwanga Bay, lake Malawi (33/23) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Nimbochromis livingstonii
Chiwanga Bay, lake Malawi (33/25) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Nimbochromis livingstonii
Chiwanga Bay, lake Malawi (33/27) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Nimbochromis livingstonii
Chiwanga Bay, lake Malawi (33/27) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Nimbochromis livingstonii
Chiwanga Bay, lake Malawi (33/27) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Nimbochromis livingstonii
Tchulutcha Reef, in front of Metangula lake Malawi (36/35) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Nimbochromis polystigma
Chiwanga Bay, lake Malawi (33/21) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Nimbochromis polystigma
Chiwanga Bay, lake Malawi (33/21) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Nimbochromis polystigma
Chiwanga Bay, lake Malawi (33/21) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Nimbochromis polystigma
Chiwanga Bay, lake Malawi (33/21) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Nimbochromis polystigma
Chiwanga Bay, lake Malawi (33/21) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Nimbochromis polystigma
Chiwanga Bay, lake Malawi (33/26) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Nimbochromis polystigma
just north of Messule Point, lake Malawi (36/19) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Nimbochromis polystigma
lac Nyassa, côte portugaise, env. de Vila Cabral, district du Nyassa |
Eccles D.H. |
Nimbochromis polystigma
Mara rocks, just S. of Mara Point, lake Malawi (36/15) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Nimbochromis polystigma
Tchulutcha Reef, in front of Metangula lake Malawi (36/30) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Nimbochromis polystigma
Tchulutcha Reef, in front of Metangula lake Malawi (36/35) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Nothobranchius furzeri
lower Limpopo basin, pool along road number 208 Chokwe-Chicualcuala, Gaza Province |
Reichard M. |
Nothobranchius furzeri
lower Limpopo basin, pool along road number 208 Chokwe-Chicualcuala, Gaza Province |
Reichard M. |
Nothobranchius furzeri
road between Chokwe and Massingir, swamp |
Wildekamp R. |
Nothobranchius kadleci
Sofala Province, temporary pool about 100 m from the main EN1 national road, not connected to any permanent river system. |
2008 |
Nothobranchius kadleci
Sofala Province, temporary pool ± 100m from main EN1 national road |
Reichard M. |
Nothobranchius kadleci
Sofala Province, temporary pool ± 100m from main EN1 national road |
Reichard M. |
Nothobranchius krammeri
Cabo Delgado, temporary pool ± 35km N. of Mocimboa de Praia village, Meronvi river basin |
Valdesalici & Hengstler |
Nothobranchius krammeri
Cabo Delgado, temporary pool ± 35km N. of Mocimboa de Praia village, Meronvi river basin |
Valdesalici & Hengstler |
Nothobranchius krammeri
Cabo Delgado, ± 35km N. of Mocimboa da Praia village, temporary pools on Meronvi river basin |
Valdesalici & Hengstler |
Nothobranchius krysanovi
12 km S. of Nicuadala in direction of Quelimane, Licungo river system |
Shidlovskiy, Watters & Wildeka |
Nothobranchius krysanovi
12 km S. of Nicuadala in direction of Quelimane, Licungo river system |
Shidlovskiy, Watters & Wildeka |
Nothobranchius krysanovi
12 km S. of Nicuadala in direction of Quelimane, Licungo river system |
Shidlovskiy, Watters & Wildeka |
Nothobranchius krysanovi
84km from Caia ferry on road to Nicuadala, Lima river system |
Shidlovskiy, Watters & Wildeka |
Nothobranchius makondorum
Mecufi |
2003 |
Nothobranchius makondorum
Pools on east side of the road to Moma, 4 km past the Rio Molocue bridge |
2004 |
Nothobranchius makondorum
Small pool in swampy area next to creek and shallow swamp, not far from Melela River, Mulalama to Regane road |
2004 |
Nothobranchius orthonotus
[occurrence summary] |
1970 |
Nothobranchius orthonotus
[occurrence summary] |
1970 |
Nothobranchius orthonotus
[occurrence summary] |
1970 |
Nothobranchius orthonotus
[occurrence summary] |
1972 |
Nothobranchius orthonotus
Beira |
Roloff E. |
Nothobranchius orthonotus
Beira, airport road between airport and Lighthouse |
Wildekamp R. |
Nothobranchius orthonotus
Beira, airport road between airport and Lighthouse |
Wildekamp R. |
Nothobranchius orthonotus
Beira, e. Mazambique, 19°50'S, 32°52'E. |
Nothobranchius orthonotus
Beira, Mozambique |
1958 |
Nothobranchius orthonotus
Beira, Mozambique |
1958 |
Berkenkamp det. 1981 |
Nothobranchius orthonotus
Beira, Mozambique |
1958 |
Berkenkamp det. 1981 |
Nothobranchius orthonotus
Beira, Mozambique |
1958 |
Berkenkamp det. XI.1981 |
Nothobranchius orthonotus
Beira, Mozambique |
1958 |
Nothobranchius orthonotus
Beira, Mozambique |
1958 |
Nothobranchius orthonotus
E. Mozambique, 17°45'S, 36°50"E. |
Nothobranchius orthonotus
Nachzucht (Beira, Mozambique) |
1962 |
Berkenkamp det. 1981 |
Nothobranchius orthonotus
road between Chokwe and Massingir, swamp |
Wildekamp R. |
Nothobranchius orthonotus
road from Vilankulo to Beira, N.W. of Save, restwater pools of small river |
Wildekamp R. |
Nothobranchius orthonotus
road from Vilankulo to Beira, N.W. of Save, restwater pools of small river |
Wildekamp R. |
Nothobranchius orthonotus
road Gorongosa to Matondo, ± 100km before Caia ferry over Zambeze, rainwater pool N.side of road |
Wildekamp R. |
Nothobranchius orthonotus
road Nicoladala to Caia ferry, swamp and dutches |
Wildekamp R. |
Nothobranchius orthonotus
road Quelimane to Nicoladala, pool in ricefield |
Wildekamp R. |
Nothobranchius orthonotus
road Quelimane to Nicoladala, pool in ricefield |
Wildekamp R. |
Nothobranchius orthonotus
road Quelimane to Nicoladala, pool in ricefield |
Wildekamp R. |
Nothobranchius orthonotus
road Quelimane to Nicoladala, pool in ricefield |
Wildekamp R. |
Nothobranchius orthonotus
road Quelimane to Nicoladala, pool in ricefield |
Wildekamp R. |
Nothobranchius orthonotus
road Quelimane to Nicoladala, pool in ricefield |
Wildekamp R. |
Nothobranchius orthonotus
road Quelimane to Praia de Zalala, large swampy pool at N. side of road |
Wildekamp R. |
Nothobranchius orthonotus
road Vilankulo to Beira, rest of small river crossing road, S.E. of Mexungue |
Wildekamp R. |
Nothobranchius orthonotus
road Vilankulo to Beira, rest of small river crossing road, S.E. of Mexungue |
Wildekamp R. |
Nothobranchius pienaari
Chokwe to Massingir road, 101km SE of Massingir, Mazimechopes river system |
Shidlovskiy, Watters & Wildeka |
Nothobranchius pienaari
Chokwe to Massingir road, 101km SE of Massingir, Mazimechopes river system |
Shidlovskiy, Watters & Wildeka |
Nothobranchius pienaari
EN1 road Vilankulo-Beira, SE of Mexungue, Gorongore river system |
Shidlovskiy, Watters & Wildeka |
Nothobranchius pienaari
road Nhamatanda (Vila Machado) to Inchope, 8km SE of Dundo, Pungwe river system |
Shidlovskiy, Watters & Wildeka |
Nothobranchius pienaari
road Nhamatanda (Vila Machado) to Inchope, 8km SE of Dundo, Pungwe river system |
Shidlovskiy, Watters & Wildeka |
Nothobranchius pienaari
road Vilankulo to Beira, rest of small river crossing road, S.E. of Mexungue |
Wildekamp R. |
Nothobranchius rachovii
[occurrence summary] |
1970 |
Nothobranchius rachovii
Beira, airport road between airport and Lighthouse |
Wildekamp R. |
Nothobranchius rachovii
Beira, e. Mazambique, 19°50'S, 34°52'E. |
Nothobranchius rachovii
Beira, Mozambique |
1958 |
Berkenkamp det. 1981 |
Nothobranchius rachovii
Beira, Mozambique |
1958 |
Berkenkamp det. 1981 |
Nothobranchius rachovii
Beira, Mozambique |
1958 |
Berkenkamp det. 1981 |
Nothobranchius rachovii
rio Savane |
Rosenstock J. |
Nothobranchius rachovii
road between Chokwe and Massingir, swamp |
Wildekamp R. |
Nothobranchius rachovii
road between Chokwe and Massingir, swamp |
Wildekamp R. |
Nothobranchius rachovii
road Muda to Nova Almada, pools connected by culvert |
Wildekamp R. |
Nothobranchius rachovii
road Nhamatanda (Vila Machado) to Inchope, dutches |
Wildekamp R. |
Nothobranchius rachovii
road Nhamatanda (Vila Machado) to Inchope, dutches |
Wildekamp R. |
Nothobranchius rachovii
road Nicoladala to Caia ferry, swamp and dutches |
Wildekamp R. |
Nothobranchius rachovii
road Quelimane to Nicoladala, pool in ricefield |
Wildekamp R. |
Nothobranchius rachovii
road Quelimane to Nicoladala, pool in ricefield |
Wildekamp R. |
Nothobranchius rachovii
road Vilankulo to Beira, rest of small river crossing road, S.E. of Mexungue |
Wildekamp R. |
Nothobranchius rachovii
road Vilankulo to Beira, rest of small river crossing road, S.E. of Mexungue |
Wildekamp R. |
Notolychnus valdiviae
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Paxton J.R. |
Notoscopelus resplendens
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Paxton J.R. |
Nyassachromis microcephalus
Jafua bay, N. of Cobue, lake Malawi (33/2) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Omosudis lowii
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Borodulina O.D. |
Ophichthus brachynotopterus
Nosy Be [Nossi-Be], Mozambique Channel, Madagascar, 12°40'S, 48°13.8'E, 370-355 m. |
Opsaridium microcephalum
4 km nord de la baie de Nego, lac Nyassa |
Thys van den Audenaerde D. |
Opsaridium microcephalum
Punta Messuli, lac Nyassa |
Thys van den Audenaerde D. |
Opsaridium zambezense
[occurrence summary] |
1964 |
Opsaridium zambezense
[occurrence summary] |
1955 |
Opsaridium zambezense
[occurrence summary] |
1963 |
Opsaridium zambezense
[occurrence summary] |
1971 |
Opsaridium zambezense
[occurrence summary] |
1964 |
Opsaridium zambezense
[occurrence summary] |
1964 |
Opsaridium zambezense
[occurrence summary] |
1964 |
Opsaridium zambezense
[occurrence summary] |
1965 |
Oreochromis karongae
Chiwanga Bay, lake Malawi (33/21) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Oreochromis karongae
Tchilouelo Point, just N. of Luaice river, lake Malawi (36/42) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Oreochromis mossambicus
[occurrence summary] |
1964 |
Oreochromis mossambicus
[occurrence summary] |
1972 |
Oreochromis mossambicus
[occurrence summary] |
Oreochromis mossambicus
[occurrence summary] |
1970 |
Oreochromis mossambicus
[occurrence summary] |
1969 |
Oreochromis mossambicus
[occurrence summary] |
1972 |
Oreochromis mossambicus
[occurrence summary] |
1972 |
Oreochromis mossambicus
[occurrence summary] |
1972 |
Oreochromis mossambicus
[occurrence summary] |
1972 |
Oreochromis mossambicus
[occurrence summary] |
1972 |
Oreochromis mossambicus
[occurrence summary] |
1972 |
Oreochromis mossambicus
[occurrence summary] |
1962 |
Oreochromis mossambicus
[occurrence summary] |
1975 |
Oreochromis mossambicus
[occurrence summary] |
1972 |
Oreochromis mossambicus
[occurrence summary] |
1966 |
Oreochromis mossambicus
[occurrence summary] |
1965 |
Oreochromis mossambicus
[occurrence summary] |
1972 |
Oreochromis mossambicus
Oreochromis mossambicus
Beira, Mossambique |
1925 |
Oreochromis mossambicus
Chigubo, Changanine river, Changane subbasin |
Losseau M. |
Oreochromis mossambicus
market Chibuto (Bambenne?), subbasin Changane |
Losseau M. |
Oreochromis mossambicus
Mongoro, Malawezi river, Changane subbasin |
Losseau M. |
Oreochromis mossambicus
Posto Changanine, Changanine river, Changane subbasin |
Losseau M. |
Oreochromis mossambicus
Quilimane, Mocambique |
Seegers det. 15.V.1991 |
Oreochromis mossambicus
Quilimane-Sumpf, Mocambique |
Oreochromis mossambicus
Zignane, Nhabanzule river, Changane subbasin |
Losseau M. |
Oreochromis placidus
Posto Changanine, Changanine river, Changane subbasin |
Losseau M. |
Oreochromis squamipinnis
lac Nyassa, côte portugaise, env. de Vila Cabral, district du Nyassa |
Thys van den Audenaerde D. |
Oreochromis squamipinnis
lac Nyassa, côte portugaise, env. de Vila Cabral, district du Nyassa |
Thys van den Audenaerde D. |
Osteomugil cunnesius
Otopharynx auromarginatus
Chiwanga Bay, lake Malawi (33/21) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Otopharynx auromarginatus
Chiwanga Bay, lake Malawi (33/25) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Otopharynx decorus
Chiwanga Bay, lake Malawi (33/21) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Otopharynx heterodon
just north of Messule Point , lake Malawi (36/20) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Otopharynx selenurus
Jafua bay, N. of Cobue, lake Malawi (33/2) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Owstonia raredonae
[occurrence summary] |
2007 |
Pallidochromis tokolosh
Chiwanga bay, lake Malawi (33/32) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Paramonacanthus curtorhynchos
Mozambique |
Parapriacanthus argenteus
Ponta Malongane. |
1995 |
Parapriacanthus punctulatus
Ponta Malongane. |
1995 |
Parascorpaena mcadamsi
Mozambique |
1884 |
Mandrytsa det. VIII.1991 |
Parupeneus nansen
[occurrence summary] |
2007 |
Pegusa nasuta
Lourenco Marques, Mozambique |
1967 |
Pempheris ibo
Pinda, Ibo Island, lighthouse. |
1973 |
Pempheris peza
Ponta do Ouro. |
1995 |
Peristedion weberi
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Shcherbachev Yu.N. |
Peristedion weberi
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Shcherbachev Yu.N. |
Petrocephalus catostoma
[occurrence summary] |
1973 |
Petrocephalus catostoma
4 km nord de la baie de Nego, lac Nyassa |
Thys van den Audenaerde D. |
Petrocephalus catostoma
Punta Messuli, lac Nyassa |
Thys van den Audenaerde D. |
Petrotilapia genalutea
Mara Rocks, just N. of Mara Point, lake Malawi (36/18) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Petrotilapia genalutea
Namisse, south of Cobuè, lake Malawi (36/27) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Petrotilapia genalutea
Tchilouelo Point, just N. of Luaice riv., lake Malawi (36/43) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Petrotilapia tridentiger
4 km nord de la baie de Nego, lac Nyassa, 30 km au N de Metangula |
De Vos L. |
Petrotilapia tridentiger
lac Nyassa, côte portugaise, env. de Vila Cabral, district du Nyassa |
Eccles D.H. |
Petrotilapia tridentiger
lac Nyassa, côte portugaise, env. de Vila Cabral, district du Nyassa |
Eccles D.H. |
Petrotilapia tridentiger
Nyasa meer, kust Mozambique, ten N van 11°55'S |
De Vos L. |
Petrotilapia tridentiger
Punta Messuli, lac Nyassa |
De Vos L. |
Photonectes albipennis
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Pokhilskaya G.N. |
Photonectes albipennis
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Pokhilskaya G.N. |
Photonectes albipennis
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Pokhilskaya G.N. |
Placidochromis argyrogaster
Chilola Bay, 2d bay N. of Cobwe, lake Malawi (33/8) |
Hanssens M. |
Placidochromis argyrogaster
Chilola Bay, 2d bay N. of Cobwe, lake Malawi (33/8) |
Hanssens M. |
Placidochromis chilolae
Chilola Bay, 2d bay N. of Cobwe, lake Malawi (33/8) |
Hanssens M. |
Placidochromis chilolae
Chilola Bay, 2d bay N. of Cobwe, lake Malawi (33/8) |
Hanssens M. |
Placidochromis electra
1996 |
Placidochromis electra
just north of Messule Point, lake Malawi (36/19) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Placidochromis electra
just north of Messule Point, lake Malawi (36/19) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Placidochromis longimanus
Chilola bay, 2d bay N. of Cobwe, lake Malawi (33/12) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Placidochromis longirostris
Chiwanga Bay, lake Malawi (33/27) |
Hanssens M. |
Placidochromis longirostris
Chiwanga Bay, lake Malawi (33/27) |
Hanssens M. |
Placidochromis macrognathus
Chiwanga Bay, lake Malawi (33/21) |
Hanssens M. |
Placidochromis ordinarius
Chiwanga bay, lake Malawi (33/31) |
Hanssens M. |
Placidochromis ordinarius
Chiwanga bay, lake Malawi (33/31) |
Hanssens M. |
Placidochromis orthognathus
Chilola bay, 2d bay N. of Cobwe, lake Malawi (33/19) |
Hanssens M. |
Placidochromis pallidus
Chiwanga Bay, lake Malawi (33/26) |
Hanssens M. |
Placidochromis pallidus
Chiwanga Bay, lake Malawi (33/26) |
Hanssens M. |
Placidochromis polli
Chiwanga Bay, lake Malawi (33/26) |
Hanssens M. |
Placidochromis polli
Chiwanga Bay, lake Malawi (33/27) |
Hanssens M. |
Placidochromis polli
Chiwanga bay, lake Malawi (33/32) |
Hanssens M. |
Placidochromis subocularis
Chiwanga Bay, lake Malawi (33/21) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Placidochromis subocularis
Messule Point, just N. of, lake Malawi (36/22) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Polyipnus indicus
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Borodulina O.D. |
Polyipnus indicus
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Borodulina O.D. |
Polyipnus indicus
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Borodulina O.D. |
Polyipnus indicus
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Borodulina O.D. |
Polyipnus indicus
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Borodulina O.D. |
Polyipnus omphus
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Borodulina O.D. |
Polymetme corythaeola
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Borodulina O.D. |
Polymetme corythaeola
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Borodulina O.D. |
Polymetme corythaeola
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Borodulina O.D. |
Pomacanthus maculosus
Tekomazi I., 10°40'S, 40°40'E, Indian Ocean. |
Pomadasys maculatus
Lorenzo Marques, Mozambique |
1923 |
Pristiophorus nancyae
[occurrence summary] |
1994 |
Protomelas annectens
Chiwanga Bay, lake Malawi (33/21) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Protomelas fenestratus
Mara Rocks, just N. of Mara Point, lake Malawi (36/18) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Protomelas fenestratus
Namisse, S. of Cobuè, lake Malawi (36/25) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Protomelas fenestratus
Namisse, south of Cobuè, lake Malawi (36/28) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Protomelas taeniolatus
Likwanje Reef, bay S. of Luaice riv., lake Malawi (36/47) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Protomelas taeniolatus
Tchilouelo Point, just N. of Luaice river, lake Malawi (36/40) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Protomelas taeniolatus
Tchilouelo Point, just N. of Luaice river, lake Malawi (36/42) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Protopterus annectens
[occurrence summary] |
1965 |
Protopterus annectens
[occurrence summary] |
1972 |
Protopterus annectens
[occurrence summary] |
1972 |
Protopterus annectens
[occurrence summary] |
1972 |
Protopterus annectens
[occurrence summary] |
1974 |
Protopterus annectens
Mocambique |
Protopterus annectens
Quilimane, Mocambique |
Protopterus annectens
Quilimane, Mocambique |
Protopterus annectens
Quilimane, Mocambique |
Protopterus annectens
Quilimane, Mocambique |
Protopterus annectens
Quilimane, Mocambique |
Protopterus annectens
Quilimane, Mocambique |
1890 |
Protopterus annectens
Quilimane, Mocambique |
1888 |
Psammogobius knysnaensis
Lourenco Marques, Mocambique |
1967 |
Pseudanthias bimaculatus
Bay of Bocage, 14°10'S, 40°50'E, Mozambique. |
Pseudocheilinus hexataenia
Mozambique |
1884 |
Pseudochromis dutoiti
North end of Bazaruto I., 25°30'S, 35°31'E, Mozambique. |
Pseudocrenilabrus philander
[occurrence summary] |
1972 |
Pseudocrenilabrus philander
[occurrence summary] |
Pseudocrenilabrus philander
[occurrence summary] |
1972 |
Pseudocrenilabrus philander
[occurrence summary] |
1969 |
Pseudocrenilabrus philander
[occurrence summary] |
1972 |
Pseudocrenilabrus philander
[occurrence summary] |
1972 |
Pseudocrenilabrus philander
Licungo basin, river |
Wildekamp R. |
Pseudocrenilabrus philander
Posto Changanine, Sangutane, Changane subbasin |
Losseau M. |
Pseudoscopelus scriptus
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Borodulina O.D. |
Pseudotropheus johannii
Likwanje Reef, bay S. of Luaice riv., lake Malawi (36/48) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Pseudotropheus johannii
Tchulutcha Reef, in front of Metangula lake Malawi (36/30) |
Snoeks & Hanssens |
Pseudotropheus perspicax
Namisse, south of Cobuè, lake Malawi (36/27) |
Snoeks J. |
Pseudotropheus perspicax
Namisse, south of Cobuè, lake Malawi (36/28) |
Snoeks J. |
Pseudotropheus williamsi
Nyasa meer, kust Mozambique, ten N van 11°55'S |
De Vos L. |
Pterois volitans
[occurrence summary] |
1973 |
Pterois volitans
[occurrence summary] |
1971 |
Pterois volitans
Mozambique |
Rajella paucispinosa
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Rhinecanthus aculeatus
Bucht von Unduce, nörlich v. Mozambique |
Ruvettus pretiosus
Delagoa Bay, 25°41'20"S, 33°23'45"E, Mozambique, Pickle sta. 292, 275 fm. |
Saurida undosquamis
[occurrence summary] |
1988 |
Parin N.V. |
Schilbe intermedius
Zignane, Nhabanzule river, Changane subbasin |
Losseau M. |
Schilbe mystus
[occurrence summary] |
1963 |
Schilbe mystus
[occurrence summary] |
1958 |
Schilbe mystus
[occurrence summary] |
1973 |
Schilbe mystus
[occurrence summary] |
1964 |
Schilbe mystus
[occurrence summary] |
1964 |